This repository is fork of MaximilianRadons/laravel-strapi, credits goes to Dave Blakey, BBWMC and MaximilianRadons.
Laravel-Strapi is a Laravel helper for using the Strapi V4 headless CMS.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require kamil-malinski/laravel-strapi
You can publish and run the migrations with:
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapiServiceProvider" --tag="strapi-config"
You need to define your STRAPI_URL (without /api path) and STRAPI_CACHE_TIME in .env:
Create a bearer token in your admin panel and add it to your .env:
To flush the strapi cache on content update, you need to create a Webhook in the Strapi admin panel. Setup a url and a header with Key "Athorization" and a random string as Value and add them to your .env:
laravel-strapi provides the collection() and entry() calls to return a full collection, or a specific entry from a collection. In the example below we are querying the strapi collection 'blogs' and then getting the entry with id 1 from that collection.
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$blogs = $strapi->collection('blogs');
$entry = $strapi->entry('blogs', 1);
There are several useful options available as well.
allow you to specify the key to sort on and the direction$fullUrls
will automatically add your STRAPI_URL to the front of any relative URLs (e.g. images, etc).$limit
sets how many items you are requesting$start
is the offset to be used with limit, useful for pagination
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$blogs = $strapi->collection('blogs', $sortKey = 'id', $sortOrder = 'DESC', $limit = 20, $start = 0, $fullUrls = true);
$entry = $strapi->entry('blogs', 1, $fullUrls = true);
You may also access Single Type items as follows:
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
// Fetch the full homepage array
$homepageArray = $strapi->single('homepage');
// Return just the ['content'] field from the homepage array
$homepageItem = $strapi->single('homepage', 'content');
And you may select entries by searching for a custom field (e.g. slug):
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$entries = $strapi->entriesByField('blogs', 'slug', 'test-blog-post');
Populate with deep relations:
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
// load all relations one Level deep
$homepageArray = $strapi->populate(['*'])->single('homepage');
// 2 Level or deeper example
$homepageArray = $strapi->populate(['homepage.navbar.links', 'homepage.metadata'])->single('homepage');
Deeply populate a dynamic zone with 2 components, examples from Strapi API Docs:
use KamilMalinski\LaravelStrapi\LaravelStrapi;
$strapi = new LaravelStrapi();
$query = [
'populate' => [
'testDZ' => [
'populate' => '*'
$homepageArray = $strapi->query($query)->single('articels');
$query = [
'fields' => ['title', 'slug'],
'populate' => [
'headerImage' => [
'fields' => ['name', 'url']
$homepageArray = $strapi->query($query)->single('articels');
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.