- This Itienarary Application uses OpenAI Text Completion Model "text-davinci-002" which takes Destination, Trip Type and Trip Purpose as Prompt and generates Itinerary day-by-day based on the start date and end date of the trip.
- Later the Itinerary can be Saved in PDF format to access it in offline mode.
- Python3
- pip (latest version 23.0.1)
openai (Access API)
pip install openai
tkinter (For UI written in python, would not work in notebooks like Jupyter Lab or Google Colab)
pip install tkinter
reportlab (To Generate PDF)
pip install reportlab
- Visit OpenAI Website to generate an API-Key (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)
- Replace the OpenAI-API-KEY in itineraryF.py file with the new key generated to access the text-davinci-002 model.