This website serves as my professional landing page, as well as my technical blog, where I post about the various programming things I've learned or am actively learning.
Now built with ✨nextjs!
Social previews are built using resoc
, which takes mustache html and css templates to create open-graph standard images.
In order to test out those changes locally, run one of the following commands:
# default previews
npx itdk view resoc-templates/default/resoc.manifest.json
# landing previews
npx itdk view resoc-templates/landing/resoc.manifest.json
# blog item previews
npx itdk view resoc-templates/blog/resoc.manifest.json
This will launch an editor at localhost:8080, where you can see your changes in real-time.
All blog posts live in the content/
Every new post requires a title
, YYYY-MM-DD formatted date
, and category string
to properly compile.
Talks are sourced from my all-talks
repo here on Github.
Vercel's deployment pipeline takes care of publication on merge to main