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Palveluväylään liittyvää infoa


Big picture


  • Central agency/CA. To simplify key change, the public keys of all security servers are registered in the X-Road central agency where certificates are issued to the keys. Certificates for both security server and database server(s)

  • Central server, provided by central agency. Provides directory service, used to distribute addresses(=name resolution) and certificate validity information. Directory service is based on the Secure DNS. Receives periodically query log hashes, thus creating a verifiable audit trail of queries. Log hashes are timestamped.

  • Monitoring service, monitors all the servers in the system. Typically runs on central server.

  • Web-based portal(=palvelunäkymä), for accessing the X-road services in a simple and centralized way.

  • Security Server, Turvapalvelin. Security server acts as a gateway between the organisation connected to the X-Road and the X-Road infrastructure.Local applications see the security server as a provider of all web services offered by other organizations. Access rights control is performed at the security server. To perform queries from organizations information system to other X-Road databases. Security servers use certificate-based authentication for inter-server communication. The security server stores all received messages (queries or responses) to a query log. Security server will sign all the outgoing SOAP messages (requests and responses). Security server will verify the signatures of all incoming SOAP messages, will time-stamp them and archive them. Security servers contain full history of communication.

  • Adapter Server. For a database to share its data over X-Road, it must be equipped with an adapter server, which receives SOAP queries from the security server and translates them to the database's native language (such as SQL). An adapter server can be either a stand-alone application or a software module built in the database.

  • Central Agency + central server + monitoring service + web-based portal run and hosted by goverment.

  • Security server+adapter server run and hosted by partipating organisation/entitiy.


  • Palveluväylään liittyneet palvelut keskustelevat keskenään käyttäen SOAP-protokollan mukaisia viestejä.
  • Local applications see the security server as a provider of all web services offered by other organizations. Remote service requests by local application will be proxied by security server.
  • Two types of services available in x-road: data services and metaservices.
  • Data services are services specific to a particular database and usually created individually for that database. To give access to these services is the main goal of X-Road. The input and output of data services of a database are specified in the database's documentation. Data services belong to the namespace of their corresponding database:
  • Metaservices are auxiliary services for obtaining information necessary to perform data services. The input, output and semantics of metaservices are standardized and will be described in this document. They are similar in all servers providing metaservices. Metaservices belong to X-Road namespace

Debian paketit


  • The main duty of the security server’s administrator is to install, configure, and maintain the server. In addition, the administrator is authorized to take action during an emergency; for example, if the system is under attack and the integrity or confidentiality of data is at risk, the administrator is authorized to disconnect their security servers from the public network.
  • The security server's administrator must have a trained replacement who can perform all management duties. For important national databases or registries, it is essential to have two system administrators.


  • Kaksi käyttötapausta. 1) Organisaatio haluaa käyttää muita palveluja palveluväylän yli 2) Organisaatio tarjoaa palveluja väylälle
  1. Organisaatio käyttää palveluita
  • Organisaatio asentaa (ja ylläpitää) Ubuntu 10.04 pohjaisen palvelimen johon asennetaan X-Road package reposta x-tee keyring ja x-tee proxy paketit.
  • CA-certtien asennus
  • Organisaation avaimen luonti ja sen jälkeen allekirjoitus Central Authorityssä.
  • Kuka saa liittyä väylään?(esim yksittäinen kehittäjä, startup-yritys?)
  1. Organisaatio tarjoaa palveluita
  • Asennetaan security server kohdan 1 mukaisesti
  • Adapter serverin tuottaminen/asennus. Adapter server tarjoaa x-roadin vaatimat metaservice rajapinnat + organisaation tarjoamat dataservice rajapinnat.
  • Adapter serverin avainten luonti ja niiden allekirjoitus Central Authorityssä
  • ACL määritys adapter servereille security serveriin(=eli mitkä ryhmät/käyttäjät saavat käyttää näitä rajapintoja)


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