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Change-Id: I0564ed8cfcbec9aaea6d980c586723367e34f0e9
  • Loading branch information
edmundnoble committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 9ccef1f commit d618336
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Showing 5 changed files with 388 additions and 15 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pact.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ library
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Pact/Interpreter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import Pact.Types.SPV
import Pact.Types.Verifier

import Pact.JSON.Legacy.Value
import Pact.Persist.Taped

-- | 'PactDb'-related environment
data PactDbEnv e = PactDbEnv {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ data EvalResult = EvalResult
-- ^ emitted events
, _erWarnings :: S.Set PactWarning
-- ^ emitted warning
, _erTape :: !(Maybe TxTape)
} deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Execute pact statements.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ interpret runner evalEnv terms = do
runEval def evalEnv $ evalTerms runner terms
milliGas <- readIORef (_eeGas evalEnv)
warnings <- readIORef (_eeWarnings evalEnv)
let tape = _evalTxTape state
let pact48Disabled = views (eeExecutionConfig . ecFlags) (S.member FlagDisablePact48) evalEnv
gasLogs = _evalLogGas state
pactExec = _evalPactExec state
Expand All @@ -338,7 +341,7 @@ interpret runner evalEnv terms = do
return $! EvalResult
(map (elideModRefInfo . toPactValueLenient) rs)
logs pactExec gasUsed modules txid gasLogs (_evalEvents state) warnings
logs pactExec gasUsed modules txid gasLogs (_evalEvents state) warnings tape
-- Round up by 1 if the `MilliGas` amount is in any way fractional.
gasRem (MilliGas milliGas) =
Expand Down
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions src/Pact/Persist/Taped.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

-- |
-- Module : Pact.Persist.Taped
-- Copyright : (C) 2024 Kadena
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Edmund Noble <[email protected]>
-- Tapes for recording and playing back database access.
module Pact.Persist.Taped (

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Lens

import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Pact.Types.PactError
import Pact.Types.Pretty
import Pact.Types.Term
import Pact.Types.Persistence
import qualified Pact.JSON.Encode as J
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)

-- Other operations not stored on tape because they're not available outside
-- the repl and local modes.
data TxTapeElem
= forall k v. TxTapeWrite !WriteType !(Domain k v) !k !v
| forall k v. TxTapeRead !(Domain k v) !k !(Maybe v)
| forall k v. TxTapeKeys !(Domain k v) ![k]
-- We don't store the ModuleName.
-- The TableName is already qualified (with an underscore) and thus includes the ModuleName.
| TxTapeCreateTable !TableName

:: Domain k1 v1
-> Domain k2 v2
-> r
-> ((k1 ~ k2, v1 ~ v2) => r)
-> r
checkDomain domainActual domainExpected no yes =
constraintsForDomain domainActual $
case (domainActual, domainExpected) of
(UserTables tnActual, UserTables tnExpected)
| tnActual == tnExpected -> yes
(KeySets, KeySets) -> yes
(Modules, Modules) -> yes
(Namespaces, Namespaces) -> yes
(Pacts, Pacts) -> yes
_ -> no

instance Eq TxTapeElem where
TxTapeWrite wt d k v == TxTapeWrite wt' d' k' v' = constraintsForDomain d $ checkDomain d d' False $
wt == wt' && k == k' && v == v'
TxTapeRead d k mv == TxTapeRead d' k' mv' = constraintsForDomain d $ checkDomain d d' False $
k == k' && mv == mv'
TxTapeKeys d ks == TxTapeKeys d' ks' = constraintsForDomain d $ checkDomain d d' False $
ks == ks'
TxTapeCreateTable tn == TxTapeCreateTable tn' =
tn == tn'
_ == _ = False

instance NFData TxTapeElem where
rnf (TxTapeWrite wt d k v) = constraintsForDomain d $
rnf wt `seq` rnf d `seq` rnf k `seq` rnf v
rnf (TxTapeRead d k v) = constraintsForDomain d $
rnf d `seq` rnf k `seq` rnf v
rnf (TxTapeKeys d ks) = constraintsForDomain d $
rnf d `seq` rnf d `seq` rnf ks
rnf (TxTapeCreateTable tn) =
rnf tn

instance Show TxTapeElem where
showsPrec :: Int -> TxTapeElem -> ShowS
showsPrec p (TxTapeWrite wt d k v) = constraintsForDomain d $
showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "Write "
. foldr (\x r -> x . showString " " . r) id
[ showsPrec 11 wt
, showsPrec 11 d
, showsPrec 11 k
, showsPrec 11 v
showsPrec p (TxTapeRead d k mv) = constraintsForDomain d $
showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "Read "
. foldr (\x r -> x . showString " " . r) id
[ showsPrec 11 d
, showsPrec 11 k
, showsPrec 11 mv
showsPrec p (TxTapeKeys d ks) = constraintsForDomain d $
showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "Keys "
. foldr (\x r -> x . showString " " . r) id
[ showsPrec 11 d
, showsPrec 11 ks
showsPrec p (TxTapeCreateTable tn) =
showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "CreateTable "
. foldr (\x r -> x . showString " " . r) id
[ showsPrec 11 tn

newtype TxTape = TxTape [TxTapeElem]
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
deriving newtype (Show, NFData)

makePrisms ''TxTape

data TxTapeZipper = TxTapeZipper !TxTape !(Maybe TxTapeElem) !TxTape

dbFromTape :: PactDb TxTapeZipper
dbFromTape = PactDb
{ _readRow = \d k var -> modifyTape var $ doOperation "read" $ \case
TxTapeRead d' k' mv -> constraintsForDomain d $ do
checkDomain d d' (domainMismatch "read" d d') $ do
checkAll mv $ catMaybes
[ check "key" k k'
otherOperation -> mismatchedOperation "read" otherOperation

, _writeRow = \wt d k v var -> modifyTape var $ doOperation "write" $ \case
TxTapeWrite wt' d' k' v' -> constraintsForDomain d $ do
checkDomain d d' (domainMismatch "write" d d') $ do
checkAll () $ catMaybes
[ check "key" k k'
, check "value" v v'
, check "write type" wt wt'
otherOperation -> mismatchedOperation "write" otherOperation

, _keys = \d var -> modifyTape var $ doOperation "keys" $ \case
TxTapeKeys d' ks ->
checkDomain d d' (domainMismatch "keys" d d') $ return ks
otherOperation -> mismatchedOperation "keys" otherOperation

, _txids = \_ _ _ -> unsupportedOperation "_txids"
-- module name is unused.
-- the table name includes the module name already (and namespace)
, _createUserTable = \tn _mn var -> modifyTape var $ doOperation "create user table" $ \case
TxTapeCreateTable tn' -> do
checkAll () $ catMaybes
[ check "table name" tn tn'
otherOperation -> mismatchedOperation "create user table" otherOperation
, _getUserTableInfo = \_ _ -> unsupportedOperation "_getUserTableInfo"
, _beginTx = \_ _ -> unsupportedOperation "_beginTx"
, _commitTx = \_ -> unsupportedOperation "_commitTx"
, _rollbackTx = \_ -> unsupportedOperation "_rollbackTx"
, _getTxLog = \_ _ _ -> unsupportedOperation "_getTxLog"
unsupportedOperation operationName =
throwEvalError $ "dbFromTape: unsupported operation " <> operationName
mismatchedOperation :: String -> TxTapeElem -> IO r
mismatchedOperation actualOp expectedOp = throwEvalError $ unwords
[ "dbFromTape: attempted to", actualOp, "but next operation on tape was", show expectedOp ]
throwEvalError :: String -> IO r
throwEvalError msg = throwM $ PactError DbError def [] $ pretty msg
domainMismatch operation domainActual domainExpected = throwEvalError $ unlines
[ "dbFromTape: tape mismatch"
, "operation " <> operation
, unwords ["domain", "actual", show domainActual, "expected", show domainExpected]
check :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> Maybe String
check name actual expected
| actual == expected = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ unwords [name, "actual", show actual, "expected", show expected]
checkAll :: r -> [String] -> IO r
checkAll r [] = return r
checkAll _ errs = throwEvalError $ unlines $ "dbFromTape: tape mismatch" : errs
:: MVar TxTapeZipper
-> (TxTapeZipper -> IO (TxTapeZipper, a))
-> IO a
modifyTape var k = do
modifyMVar var $ \tape -> do
(tape', r) <- k tape
return (tape', r)
doOperation :: String -> (TxTapeElem -> IO a) -> TxTapeZipper -> IO (TxTapeZipper, a)
doOperation msg _ (TxTapeZipper _ Nothing _) =
throwEvalError $ "dbFromTape: attempted " <> msg <> " beyond tape's end"
doOperation _ g (TxTapeZipper (TxTape l) (Just c) r) = do
res <- g c
return $ (,res) $ case r of
TxTape (c' : r') ->
TxTapeZipper (TxTape (c : l)) (Just c') (TxTape r')
TxTape [] ->
TxTapeZipper (TxTape (c : l)) Nothing (TxTape [])

domainToJSON :: Domain k v -> [J.KeyValue]
domainToJSON (UserTables (TableName tn)) =
[ J.KeyValue "domain" (J.text "userTable")
, J.KeyValue "userTable" ( tn)
domainToJSON KeySets = [J.KeyValue "domain" (J.text "keysets")]
domainToJSON Modules = [J.KeyValue "domain" (J.text "modules")]
domainToJSON Namespaces = [J.KeyValue "domain" (J.text "namespaces")]
domainToJSON Pacts = [J.KeyValue "domain" (J.text "pacts")]

instance J.Encode TxTapeElem where
build (TxTapeWrite wt d k v) = constraintsForDomain d $ $ J.Object $
[ J.KeyValue "op" (J.text "write")
, J.KeyValue "writeType" ( wt)
, J.KeyValue "key" ( k)
, J.KeyValue "value" ( v)
] ++ domainToJSON d
build (TxTapeRead d k mv) = constraintsForDomain d $ $ J.Object $
[ J.KeyValue "op" (J.text "read")
, J.KeyValue "key" ( k)
, J.KeyValue "value" (maybe J.null mv)
] ++ domainToJSON d
build (TxTapeKeys d ks) = constraintsForDomain d $ $ J.Object $
[ J.KeyValue "op" (J.text "keys")
, J.KeyValue "keys" ( $ J.Array $ <$> ks)
] ++ domainToJSON d
build (TxTapeCreateTable tn) = $ J.Object $
[ J.KeyValue "op" (J.text "createTable")
, J.KeyValue "tableName" ( tn)

instance FromJSON TxTapeElem where
parseJSON = withObject "TxTapeElem" $ \o -> do
operation <- o .: "op"
case operation :: Text of
"write" -> parseWrite o
"read" -> parseRead o
"keys" -> parseKeys o
"createTable" -> parseCreateTable o
_ -> fail "invalid op, expected write, read, keys, or createTable"
parseWrite o =
o .: "domain" >>= \case
SomeDomain d -> constraintsForDomain d $ do
wt <- o .: "writeType"
k <- o .: "key"
v <- o .: "value"
return $ TxTapeWrite wt d k v
parseRead o =
o .: "domain" >>= \case
SomeDomain d -> constraintsForDomain d $ do
k <- o .: "key"
mv <- o .: "value"
return $ TxTapeRead d k mv
parseKeys o =
o .: "domain" >>= \case
SomeDomain d -> constraintsForDomain d $ do
ks <- o .: "keys"
return $ TxTapeKeys d ks
parseCreateTable o = do
tn <- o .: "tableName"
return $ TxTapeCreateTable tn

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