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Portfolio project IDATT1003 - 2023

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STUDENT NAME = "Kaamya Shinde"
STUDENT ID = "10083"

Project description

This project has been developed as a part of the course IDATT1003 - Programming 1 at NTNU. It is a Java based application set up as a Maven project. The application is a simplified Train Dispatch System.

Project structure

The project is structured as a Maven project. The source files are stored in the src/main/java folder. The JUnit test classes are stored in the src/test/java folder. The source files are divided into packages based on their functionality. The model classes are stored in the model package. These include the entity class - Train Departure and the register class - Train Departure Register. The utility classes used to validate the methods and improve the robustness of the code are stored in the package called utils. The ui package contains the user interface class. The main application class is stored in the app package.

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How to run the project

The project can be run by running the main method in the TrainDispatchApp class located in the app package. The application has a user interface that allows the user to interact with the application. After running the application, the user is prompted to enter the time of the day - because the simplified application only takes into consideration a station within a 24-hour window (as in a whole day). After that, the user is presented with the menu and can choose between a range of options.

  1. Quit the application
  2. Overview of departures
  3. Add a departure
  4. Remove a departure
  5. Find a departure
  6. Filter by destination
  7. Assign a track
  8. Add dela
  9. Update time

How to run the tests

The tests are found in the src/test/java folder and can be run by running the main method in the desired test class. There is a test class for each class in the model package. The test class for the TrainDeparture class is named TrainDepartureTest while the test class for the TrainDepartureRegister class is named TrainDepartureRegisterTest.


The code has been developed by the student. ChatGPT has been used to generate parts of the code is clearly stated in the javaDoc comments.


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