jokopi is a complete open-source app coffee shop ordering.
This is an example application that shows how jokopi
is applied to a react app.
Build using create react app.
You can build it by yourself
- Login, Register, Forgot Password, Logout
- Profile
- History Order
- Products (Search, Sort, Filter)
- Cart
- Transactions
- Admin Dashboard
- Manage Order (Admin)
- etc.
- React & React Router DOM
- Redux & Redux Persist (Local Storage)
- TailwindCSS & DaisyUI
- React Hot Toast
- Vercel for deploying demo
- etc.
You need to install some software to run this project
- Node.js (LTS version recommended, 14 or newer)
Clone this repository to your local
git clone
Change current directory
cd jokopi-react
Install dependencies
If you using npm
npm install
If you using yarn
Setup environment
REACT_APP_BACKEND_HOST = (your rest api host) REACT_APP_WEBSITE_NAME = (your project name)
Running app
npm start
Special thanks for providing resources such as icons and images.
If there are resources that belong to you, please let me know, I will write it here.
- jokopi-express - Rest API
- jokopi-react-native - Android & iOS Application
This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Any error report you can pull request or contact: [email protected]