Realtime is ORM framework that makes the creation of complex database structures is simple.
👉 Simple scalable model structure
👉 Files
👉 Collections
👉 References
👉 UI, Form
Firebase Realtime Database is fully supported and uses in production. If you use clean Firebase API, Realtime can help to create app quicker, herewith to apply complex structures to store data, to update UI using reactive behaviors. Realtime provides lightweight data traffic, lazy initialization of data, good distribution of data.
FoundationDB is supported, but with some limitations, because FDB has no native observing mechanisms.
In AppDelegate
in func application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
you must call code below, to configure working environment.
Now for cache policy is valid values case .noCache, .persistance
only. Cache in memory is not implemented yet.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
/// ...
/// initialize Realtime
return true
To create any model data structure you can make by subclassing Object
You can define child properties using classes:
, and so on; If you use lazy properties, you need implement class functionlazyPropertyKeyPath(for:)
. (Please tell me if you know how avoid it, without inheriting NSObject). This function called for each subclass, therefore you don't need call super implementation. Example:
class User: Object {
lazy var name: Property<String> = "name".property(in: self)
lazy var age: Property<Int> = "age".property(in: self)
lazy var photo: File<UIImage?> = "photo".file(in: self, representer: .png)
lazy var groups: References<RealtimeGroup> = "groups".references(in: self, elements: .groups)
lazy var scheduledConversations: Values<Conversation> = "scheduledConversations".values(in: self)
lazy var ownedGroup: Relation<RealtimeGroup?> = "ownedGroup".relation(in: self, "manager")
override class func lazyPropertyKeyPath(for label: String) -> AnyKeyPath? {
switch label {
case "name": return \
case "age": return \User.age
case "photo": return \
case "groups": return \User.groups
case "ownedGroup": return \User.ownedGroup
case "scheduledConversations": return \User.scheduledConversations
default: return nil
let user = User(in: Node(key: "user_1")) <== "User name" <== UIImage(named: "img")
let transaction = .root)
transaction.commit(with: { state, err in
/// process error
ReadonlyProperty - readonly stored property for any value.
Property - stored property for any value.
Reference - stores reference on any database value. Doesn't imply referential integrity. Use it if record won't be removed or else other reason that doesn't need referential integrity.
Relation - stores reference on any database value.
ReadonlyFile - readonly stored property for file in Firebase Storage.
File - stored property for file in Firebase Storage.
All properties adopt @propertyWrapper
feature, but while Swift is unsupported access to self
in custom lazy properties, this way to define properties generally useless.
class Some: Object {
lazy var array: Values<Object> = "some_array".values(in: self)
lazy var references: References<Object> = "some_linked_array".references(in: self, elements: .linkedObjects)
lazy var dictionary: AssociatedValues<Object> = "some_dictionary".dictionary(in: self, keys: .keyObjects)
Some mutable operations of collections can require isSynced
state. To achieve this state use func runObserving()
function or set property keepSynced: Bool
to true
(Distributed)References is array that stores objects as references. Source elements must locate in the same reference. On insertion of object to this array creates link on side object.
(Explicit)Values is array that stores objects by value in itself location. 'Explicit' prefix is used in collection that stores elements without collection view.
, Values
do {
let transaction = Transaction()
let element = Element()
try array.write(element: element, in: transaction)
try otherArray.remove(at: 1, in: trasaction)
transaction.commit { (err) in
// process error
} catch let e {
// process error
(Explicit)AssociatedValues is dictionary where keys are references, but values are objects. On save value creates link on side key object.
do {
let transaction = Transaction()
let element = Element()
try dictionary.write(element: element, key: key, in: transaction)
try otherDictionary.remove(by: key, in: transaction)
transaction.commit { (err) in
// process error
} catch let e {
// process error
MapRealtimeCollection is immutable collection that gets elements from map function. This is the result of x.lazyMap(_ transform:) method, where x is any RealtimeCollection.
let userNames = Values<User>(in: usersNode).lazyMap { user in
- assignment operator. Can use to assign (or to retrieve) value to (from) any Realtime property.====
- comparison operators. Can use to compare any Realtime properties where their values conform toEquatable
- infix operator, that performs a nil-coalescing operation, returning the wrapped value of an Realtime property or a default value.<-
- prefix operator. Can use to convert instance ofClosure, Assign
types to explicit closure or backward.
Transaction - object that contains all information about write transactions. Almost all data changes perform using this object. The most mutable operations just take transaction as parameter, but to create custom complex operations you can use this methods:
/// adds operation of save RealtimeValue as single value as is
func set<T>(_ value: T, by node: Node) where T: RealtimeValue & RealtimeValueEvents
/// adds operation of delete RealtimeValue
func delete<T>(_ value: T) where T: RealtimeValue & RealtimeValueEvents
/// adds operation of update RealtimeValue
func update<T>(_ value: T) where T: ChangeableRealtimeValue & RealtimeValueEvents & Reverting
/// method to merge actions of other transaction
func merge(_ other: Transaction)
For more details see Example project.
SingleSectionTableViewDelegate - provides single section data source for UITableView with auto update. SectionedTableViewDelegate - provides sectioned data source for UITableView with auto update. CollectionViewDelegate - provides data source for UICollectionView with auto update.
delegate.register(UITableViewCell.self) { (item, cell, user, ip) in
item.bind(, { cell, name in
cell.textLabel?.text = name
{ err in
delegate.tableDelegate = self
// data
onValue: { [weak tableView] (e) in
guard let tv = tableView else { return }
switch e {
case .initial: tv.reloadData()
case .updated(let deleted, let inserted, let modified, let moved):
tv.insertRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic)
tv.deleteRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic)
tv.reloadRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic)
moved.forEach { from, to in
tv.moveRow(at: IndexPath(row: from, section: 0), to: IndexPath(row: to, section: 0))
onError: onError
.add(to: listeningCollector)
Available as separated module with Combine
class User: Object {
var name: Property<String>
var age: Property<Int>
class FormViewController: UIViewController {
var form: Form<User>
override func viewDidLoad() {
let name = Row<TextCell, Model>.inputRow(
keyboard: .name,
placeholder: .inputPlaceholder(,
onText: { $ <== $1 }
name.onUpdate { (args, row) in
args.view.textField.text <==
let age = Row<TextCell, Model>.inputRow(
title: Localized.age,
keyboard: .numberPad,
placeholder: requiredPlaceholder,
onText: { $0.age <== $1 }
age.onUpdate { (args, row) in
args.view.textField.text <== args.model.age
let button: Row<ButtonCell, Model> = Row(reuseIdentifier: "button")
button.onUpdate { (args, row) in
args.view.titleLabel.text = Localized.login
button.onSelect { [unowned self] (_, row) in
let fieldsSection: StaticSection<Model> = StaticSection(headerTitle: nil, footerTitle: nil)
let buttonSection: StaticSection<Model> = StaticSection(headerTitle: nil, footerTitle: nil)
form = Form(model: User(), sections: [fieldsSection, buttonSection])
form.tableView = tableView
form.tableDelegate = self
To receive changes on local level use objects that conform this protocol. It has similar RxSwift interface.
public protocol Listenable {
associatedtype OutData
/// Disposable listening of value
func listening(_ assign: Assign<OutData>) -> Disposable
Add debug argument 'REALTIME_CRASH_ON_ERROR' passed on launch, to catch internal errors.
Also exists NodeJS module, created for Vue.js application. Source code you can found in js
Realtime objects should not passed between threads.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Xcode 9+, Swift 4.1+.
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
Realtime is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Realtime'
pod 'RealtimeForm/Combine', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
Koryttsev Denis, [email protected]
Twitter: @K_o_D_e_N
Realtime is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.