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Releases: jxmot/markdown-hitcounter

Fix for PHP 8

23 Sep 16:40
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Ready to use

22 Apr 14:45
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Resolved issues:

The README has been updated.

Improvements and Fixes

04 Apr 15:02
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  • CSS improvements
    • Fixed/work-around issues with Firefox mobile.
    • Increased specificity
    • In mdreport.php changed <link> to the CSS file to actually reading the file and placing its contents in a <style> tag. This fixed the problem where the table would briefly flash in the browser without the CSS styling
  • Removed tippy.js and replaced it with title attributes. There were problems where when the DOM was updated that the tip would stay visible and would not clear.

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.

Bug fixes & updates

02 Apr 16:14
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  • fixed bug in usage of DateTime() and DateTimeZone()
  • changed to use dtime[0] and dtime[1] for date/time display
  • minor changes & fixes
  • README update

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.

New Functionality - Counter Report

01 Apr 18:34
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  • Added ability to create and render a counter data report.

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.

Added Feature

30 Mar 17:03
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  • Added ability to sort the counter data (ascending or descending)when not specifying a counter
    • Sort by hit counts
    • Sort by time of last count
    • Sort by counter ID
  • Added limit to mdcountdata.php query. Can specify a limit to the quantity of counters returned when a sorting query is used.

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.

JSON Logging and Counter Data Retrieval

29 Mar 14:06
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  • Changed counter logging output to JSON.
  • Added ability to retrieve the counter data

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.

Remote Hit Counter

29 Mar 04:44
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This version creates text files for each counter with a valid ID. The text file only contains the current count.

The README file contains details, and is current with the features of this version.