Version (20220410)
Use 64 characters long string for short names in PK3.
Added "DROPPED ITEM" alias for "DROPITEM" DEHACKED field.
Fix wrong coordinates check in sight check.
Fixed missileheight ACTORDEF export.
Fix of OPENARRAYOFU16 and OPENARRAYOFS16 declarations (PascalScript).
Fix ReadParameters not setting parameter parser positions even though ValidateParameters does use them (PascalScript).
Fixed masked middle texture bleeding when player was exactly placed on the line.
Small optimization to masked middle texture rendering.
Fixed misspelled of "joystick" in the menus.
Speed optimizations in R_PointToAngleEx().
Speed optimizations to software rendering.
Improved priority logic for sound channel selection.
Small optimization to sprite rendering.
Added support for tall patches in PNG format.
Use general purpose threads in 8 bit software rendering blit.
Optimizations in voxel software rendering.
Fixes to 3d collisions of actors moving up or down other actors.
Default sound channels raised to 32, maximum sound channels raised to 64.
Improved multithreading handling in software rendering mode.
Added dotestactivethreads console variable, when it's set to true (default) the engine will tweak active threads without workload.
Small optimizations to plane rendering (software mode).
Fixed missiles not exploding in lower textures with sky ceiling.
Added SPIN field in VOXELDEF lumps, it combines DROPPEDSPIN & PLACEDSPIN behavior.
If depthbuffer is active will draw sprites from front to back to avoid overdraw.
Fixed some glitches in software rendering regarding voxels and 3d floors.
Speed optimizations to slope software rendering.
Small optimizations to software depthbuffer.
Added r_voxellightmapaccuracy console variable. Values are 0, 1 & 2 for low, normal & high accuracy. Default is 1. Can be set from the Lightmap menu.
Speed optimization to the software rendering lightmap.
Speed optimizations to voxel software rendering.
Proper windowed mode (Software & OpenGL).
The player can choose to use CAPS LOCK for autorun.
You can’t perform that action at this time.