First lets go to the page src code and see we get a pastebin link
Lets go the link and see the src code carefully
There you go our secret UlU5Q1JDNDNhV2R4TkRzeGFXdGlOVEZwWWs5UE1EczZOREZT
As many people couldnt solve it ..a hint was released was 2 * (70-6)
It means 2 times base64 ...after decoding it with base64 for 2 times we get something like this
After doing some research on google we find a hint that its XOR encoded i.e.
'E' ^ 'F' = 0x03
So here i used a bit of python to decrypt the flag
text1 = 'EOBD.7igq4;1ikb51ibOO0;:41R'
for i in text1: text1 = text1 + chr(ord(i) ^ 3)
We can clearly see the flag i.e. FLAG-4jdr782jha62jaLL38972Q
Thats it.
Most of you has seen this image and the link posted in facebook:
Download that image and crack it with stegcrack
See the string RU9CRC43aWdxNDsxaWtiNTFpYk9PMDs6NDFS
Decode it with base64 and again we get the samething as above in WAY 1: i.e. EOBD.7igq4;1ikb51ibOO0;:41R
Again follow the same steps in Way 1 and get the flag
Samit Hota
Sukalyan Mukherjee
DeadshotHacker has been banned due to leaking solution during the challenge hours -
Ranjith Geeks
Binit Ghimire
Pranav pandya
Mr. Rc
EPICHacker has been banned due to leaking solution during the challenge hours -
Mani Kumar
Sid Joshi
Dibyo Dey