This is a very limited httpclient implementation based on libcurl for idris. It is still littered with debug output and currently just supports a minimal subset of HTTP features. It is probably not threadsafe, is leaking memory, the API is far from stable and not documented etc.
Below are some examples of the usage for some request kinds:
module Main
import HttpClient
Show Reply where
show (MkReply statusCode header body) = concat $ intersperse "\n"
["\nstatusCode: " ,
show statusCode ,
"header:" ,
show header,
example: String -> IO (Response Reply) -> IO ()
example intro resp= do
putStrLn intro
putStrLn $ show !resp
putStrLn "\n\n\n"
main: IO ()
main = do
example "GET request" $ httpClient
$ get
$ url ""
example "POST request" $ httpClient
$ post "language=idris&http=libcurl" .
withHeader (Link, "up") .
withHeader (Accept, "*/*")
$ url ""
example "DELETE request" $ httpClient $ delete "" .
withHeaders [
(User_Agent, "idris-httpclient"),
(X_ "Some-Header", "my-data")
$ url ""
example "Follow request" $ httpClient $ get
$ follow
$ url ""
Compile this with
idris -p httpclient Main.idr -o main
Installation is only tested on Mac OS X. You will need libcurl (and idris 0.10.2):
brew install curl
You will also need the lightyear parser library available from LightYear. Follow the build instructions to put it into your Idris distribution.
The Makefile in /src
assumes a standard location. If that is not ok, adopt to your needs.
If you have the prerequisites, just do:
make install
You will see a warning about a missing main file - that is ok, as long everything typechecks.
This is pretty much a learning project for me. If you find this project useful, and would like to have features, I am happy to learn in areas which help you. If you have suggestions to make the code better - please let me know.
Memstream implementation taken from