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This role will join a Windows host to a Active Directory domain.


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This role is not considered done

This role will join a Windows host to a Active Directory domain.

Based of the work done by @jborean93 in jborean93/ansible-windows

Works on

  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012R2
  • Windows Server 2012

Not validated (yet) on

  • Windows Server 2008R2
  • Windows Server 2008 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x32


  • python3-winrm (pywinrm) is needed for WinRM.

Role Variables


Variable Description Default value
joinad_domain The Domain of the new Active Directory Forest. This should be changed your Domain ad.example.test
joinad_admin_username The username of the account to add the computer to the domain. Change this depending on your needs. administrator@{{ joinad_domain }}
joinad_admin_password The password of the account to add the computer to the domain. Change this depending on your needs. P@ssw0rd!
joinad_reboot_timeout Maximum seconds to wait for machine to re-appear on the network and respond to a test command. 600
joinad_post_reboot_delay Seconds to wait after the reboot command was successful before attempting to validate the system rebooted successfully. 300


  • WinRM on the windows host should configured for Ansible.
  • justin_p.posh5
  • justin_p.wincom

Example Playbook

- hosts: domain_members
     - role: justin_p.posh5
     - role: justin_p.wincom
     - role: justin_p.joinad

Local Development

This role includes a Vagrantfile that will spin up a local Windows Server 2019 VM in Virtualbox.
After creating the VM it will automatically run our role.

Development requirements

pip3 install pywinrm


  • Run vagrant up to create a VM and run our role.
  • Run vagrant provision to reapply our role.
  • Run vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up to recreate the VM and run our role.
  • Run vagrant destroy to remove the VM.




  • Justin Perdok (@justin-p), Orange Cyberdefense


Feel free to open issues, contribute and submit your Pull Requests. You can also ping me on Twitter (@JustinPerdok).