- Library used to control Nordic nrf24l01 radios, in a simple way and with low memory usage on the Arduino board.
- Arduino Compatibility: Works with most Arduino boards. Tested on Arduino Uno/Nano.
To install the library:
Download the repository from GitHub: https://github.com/junon10/nrf24l01
In Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add ZIP File...
Select the downloaded zip file.
See the examples folder.
Channel(1-126) lenBuff(1-32) txAddr(1-255) rxAddr(1-255)
NOTE: The channels must be the same in the modules that will communicate, the buffer must also be the same valid from 1 to 32 Bytes, txAddr and rxAddr too must be the same (address), the transmission power has been configured to 0dbm (maximum), transfer rate at 250Kbps, autoACK activated, and no packet retransmission, for other configurations consult the datasheet.
void set_pinout(int CE, int CSN, int SCK, int MOSI, int MISO, int IRQ);
void set_config(int lenBuff, int ch, int txAddr, int rxAddr);
uint8_t spi_rw(uint8_t in_data);
uint8_t rw_reg(uint8_t Addr, uint8_t D);
void send_cmd(uint8_t cmd);
uint8_t send_data();
uint8_t receive_data();
void write_data(uint8_t * data);
uint8_t * read_data();
void set_channel(int channel);
uint8_t get_irq();
- Junon M.
Contact: [email protected]
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and send a pull request.
Datasheet NORDIC nrf24l01+
Based on the source code for Pic microcontrollers by Ezequiel Donhauser https://github.com/ezequieldonhauser/NRF24L01P
- v1.0.0 (2022/07/17): Initial commit.
- v1.0.1 (2022/07/17): Changed the library name.
- v1.0.2 (2023/05/22): Minor bug fixes.
MIT License