Tutorial: Building a polished HTML5 space shooter game with Phaser.js
The code of this project is not the same as the tutorial. Instead, I'm using ecmascript6 via Babel JS and Slush, a scaffolding tool for javascript projects.
Special thanks to Jeff Schomay who made available this awesome tutorial.
You will need to have node and gulp setup on your machine.
To package all source files and run on a local server simply run the following command:
$ gulp
This should open a browser window with the game running locally. You can copy the address and paste it into any browser on your local network (including mobiles and tablets).
- design (game design document goes here)
- media (folder for your assets source...)
- gulp (gulp tasks folder)
- project (contains scripts, stylesheets and index.html)
- static/assets
- images
- music
- sound
When editing, make sure you update the files within the project
directory. These files will then be compressed and added to the dist
directory ready for publishing.
ECMAScript 6 features are supported with help of Traceur. This means you can write code with syntax which is going to be supported officially by Phaser 3.
Happy building games!