Convert unpacked MOBI dictionaries to StarDict input formats: Babylon Glossary Source (GLS) format and StarDict Textual Dictionary Format
python -h
usage: [-h] [--html-folder HTML_FOLDER] [--fix-links] [--dict-name DICT_NAME] [--author AUTHOR] [--gls]
[--textual] [--chunked]
Convert unpacked Kindle MOBI dictionary files to Babylon Glossary source files or to Stardict Textual Dictionary Format.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--html-folder HTML_FOLDER
Path of the folder containing HTML files.
--fix-links Try to convert in-dictionary references to glossary format.
--dict-name DICT_NAME
Name of the dictionary file.
--author AUTHOR Name of the author or publisher.
--gls Convert dictionary to Babylon glossary source.
--textual Convert dictionary to Stardict Textual Dictionary Format.
--chunked Parse html in chunks to reduce memory usage.
You need to install Beautiful Soup and lxml packages to run the script. To convert the unpacked MOBI files to both GLS and Textual format you would call the script like this:
python --fix-links --html-folder ./Folder --dict-name "Name of the dictionary" --author "Author" --gls --textual
Change name and author accordingly or not specify these parameters.
Also, while converting particularly large files you may want to pass the --chunked
option to bring down the memory usage to more moderate levels. Then the line would become:
python.exe --fix-links --dict-name "Name of the dictionary" --author "Author" --gls --textual --chunked
You may come across some poorly formatted dictionaries that may result in inability to parse definitions.