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Julia Liu edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Appium-BDD-python-mobile-app-testing wiki!

Structure of the framework

  • doki

    Contains screenshots or other files used by wiki

  • feature

    Contains feature files, steps implementaion files and environment file.

    • steps


        Contains all Given, When, Then, step implementation functions.


      Includes BDD Hooks functions(before_all, after_all, before_scenario, after_scenario, before_step, after_step, before_tag, after_tag) definition.

    • search.feature

      Feature file. BDD cucumber test scenarios files.

  • pages

    • Android


        Each file stands for one specific page on Android App. Element(Object) ID, operation on page are defined in this file.

    • iOS

      • (TBD)

        The specific page on iOS App. Element(Object) ID, operation on the page are defined in this file.

  • utils

    Utility tool folder. It contains some non-page related operation for example: send out reports as email, initialize web driver, base page.

  • reports

    This folder will be generated after "" script. It will contain screenshot and test report .json format files.

How to run

  1. Setup the running ENV
  2. Open a terminal and run "./"

Then the test report is open automatically.

Below are example of the test report. Report-dashboard


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