A funny thing happens when a bird watcher wants to add a specific bird to their Life List... it's nowhere to be found!
Jinx Bird is a search tool to help bird watchers spot the specific species that has been elusive. It is designed to help you in the moment, in the field (assuming you have Wifi or cell service). Jinx Bird will show you on a map where that species was last sighted within a 15 mile radius of your location within the last two weeks.
- Python 3
Frontend: HTML5, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap
Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy
APIs: eBird, Wikipedia, Google Maps, Geolocation
- PostgreSQL
- Python 2.7
- eBird API key
- Google Maps API key (provided)
To get this app up and running locally, hop on your command line and please do the following:
Navigate to a folder where you would like to clone the repo.
Clone repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/juliaberk/jinxbird
Change into the directory:
cd jinxbird
Create a virtual environment:
$ virtual env
Activate the virtual environment:
$ source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Sign up at https://ebird.org to get your own API key. Save it to a 'secrets.sh' file like so:
export ebird_API="your key here"
NOTE After June 2018 you will need your own API key for Google Maps. You will want to add your own API key to secrets, and put that variable in maps.html around line 116:
<script async defer
Source your secrets file:
source secrets.sh
Create your database tables:
createdb jinx_bird
Seed species codes and sample data:
$ python seed.py
Time to run the app!
$ python server.py