Método de extracción de relaciones semánticas para la Web (OIE) en español
1. user must have Java 1.8 or greater installed and Maven (https://maven.apache.org/install.html). (tested with maven 3.5.2 and 3.3.9)
mvn clean compile assembly:single
This step will download all needed libraries and then will build TP-OIE from source code.
2. When finish you should see a “BUILD SUCCESS” message similar to the following:
[INFO] --------------
[INFO] --------------
3. The application should be created into “target” directory. Please move the jar file to the parent directory and rename as “tp-oie-es.jar”, you can do that executing the following command:
mv target/TP-OIE-ES-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar tp-oie-es.jar
1. If you are in a Linux environment, you can execute the file “runTP-OIE-ES.sh”, the available options are:
-f : mandatory parameter, indicates the input text file
-o : indicates the output file. If not present, the result will be printed in console
-score : also prints the score of the extraction
-full : prints score, id, and if the relation is non factual its dependency
-help : prints a help menu
for example, you can execute:
./runTP-OIE-ES.sh -f testFile.txt -full -o out.txt
2. If you are under Windows environment or another SO, you must run the application with the following command:
java -jar -Xmx4056m -Xms1024m -ea tp-oie.jar
the parameters are the same, for example:
java -jar -Xmx4056m -Xms1024m -ea tp-oie.jar -f testFile.txt -full -reverb