NOTE: lgpr2 has been released! It allows scaling to larger data as it uses approximate Gaussian processes.
This repository contains code for experiments with the R package lgpr (
Tutorials in html format, package documentation and installation instructions can be found here.
The reproducibility
directory contains codes for reproducing the experiments in the manuscript using lgpr
version 0.33
, which can be installed via
devtools::install_github('jtimonen/lgpr', ref = "v0")
Experiments involve fitting models for different data sets in parallel, and shell scripts for doing this on a computing cluster are provided. There are also scripts for collecting the final results and plotting ROC curves after the models have been fit for all data sets.
There are seven different experiments:
- comparison with linear mixed effect modeling and scalability testing02_longp
- comparison with LonGP (
- heterogeneous disease effect modeling04_effect_time
- modeling uncertainty of disease effect time05_nb
- experiment with negative binomial distributed count data06_proteomics
- longitudinal proteomics data set [1] modeling with a homogeneous disease effect07_proteomics_heter
- longitudinal proteomics data set [1] modeling with a heterogeneous disease effect08_rna-seq
- analysis of longitudinal RNA-seq data from CD4+ cells [2]
The data
directory contains the preprocessed longitudinal proteomics data [1].
[1] Liu et al. Temporal expression profiling of plasma proteins reveals oxidative stress in early stages of Type 1 Diabetes progression (2018). Journal of proteomics 172: 100-110. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2017.10.004
[2] Kallionpää et al. Early Detection of Peripheral Blood Cell Signature in Children Developing β-Cell Autoimmunity at a Young Age (2019). Diabetes 68(10):2024-2034. doi:10.2337/db19-0287