Analysis and Classification of 911 calls
- Analyzing Kaggle data to classify types of 911 calls, featurizing the data and visualizing trends
Stock Analysis and Visualization
- Creating rolling averages for a set of historical stocks and evaluating the risk of the stocks
- Analyzing Risk for stocks.
- Monte Carlo Simulations and histogram analysis
Titanic Survival Analysis
- Featurizing data
- What factors were more likely for survivability?
- What does passenger embarkation tell us about passenger ticket class?
2012 US Presidential Race Poll Analysis
- What effect did debates have on sentiment over time?
- What can we learn from Donor data to the candidates?
Analyzing Apache Logs
- Viewing HTTP return codes
- What endpoints are being found?
- What web attacks are being used?
Analyzing San Francisco City Police and Fire Salaries for the years 2011-2014
- Do pay and benefits correlate in general?
- Year by year breakdowns
- Do Fire and Police make more money?
- Does Seniority matter?
Analyzing Baseball Scores
- This is a simple statsmodel stub
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