All work has been moved to There the usage + install of the library have been greatly simplified.
Currently in works of big update. Working on a deep yet discoverable API.
atm the makefile has an edge case that may prevent you from running make -j$(nproc)
-- which means building in parallel may not work. In this case just run make
to run make in a single thread.
Separate the sleigh compiler from Ghidra, a rewritten Makefile.
I had trouble with the existing Makefile in the Ghidra repository and so after some trial and error to get a successful build, I decided to rewrite it. So I rewrote the Makefile, and built (IMO) a better folder structure for using sleigh as a library.
The intent is not to be in 1-1 sync with the sleigh code-base found in ghidra, I will be making my own modifications and eventually the two codebases will be incompatible--Hence the change in name (as well as to avoid potiential trademark issues). That said, until I start implementing my own changes, this repo will try and stay up to date. I am still analyzing the codebase.
Assuming your running under an mingw-w64-x86_64 style environment, after
installing bison
and flex
(and g++
+ binutils
+ etc.), execute make CXX='g++ -D_WINDOWS '
Type make
in hutch
main directory.
Can now build as a static library or a shared library (e.g., for use from python, example TBD).
You will want to install g++-9
for easier time compiling the example in the
examples directory. Heavily using features from c++17/
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
#include "hutch.hpp"
// x86 insns
// push ebp \x55
// move ebp, esp \x89\xe5
// mov eax, 0x12345678 \xb8\x78\x56\x34\x12
static uint1 code[] = { 0x55, 0x89, 0xe5, 0xb8, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 };
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
size_t fsize;
uint1* fbytes = nullptr;
if (argc == 2) {
fsize = filesystem::file_size (argv[1]);
fbytes = new uint1[fsize];
ifstream file (argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary); ((char*)fbytes, fsize);
Hutch hutch_h;
Hutch_Instructions insn;
hutch_h.preconfigure ("../../processors/x86/languages/x86.sla", IA32);
auto img = (argc == 2) ? fbytes : code;
auto imgsize = (argc == 2) ? fsize : sizeof (code);
// Need to translate the buffer into internal representation prior to use.
// Loaded image is persistent.
hutch_h.initialize (img, imgsize, 0x12345680);
for (auto [i, len, idx] = tuple{ 0, 0, 0 };
len = hutch_h.disassemble_iter (i, imgsize, &insn); i += len, ++idx)
cout << "0x" << hex << insn(idx).address << endl;
cout << "number of bytes in insn = " << insn(idx).bytelength << endl;
cout << insn(idx).assembly << endl;
for (auto p : insn(idx).pcode)
cout << endl << "NEXT INSTRUCTION" << endl;
cout << "FINISHED\n";
return 0;
number of bytes in insn = 1
(unique,0x1b50,4) = COPY (register,EBP,4)
(register,ESP,4) = INT_SUB (register,ESP,4) (const,0x4,4)
STORE (const,0x559cf7bd76e0,8) (register,ESP,4) (unique,0x1b50,4)
number of bytes in insn = 2
0x89 0xe5
(register,EBP,4) = COPY (register,ESP,4)
number of bytes in insn = 5
0xb8 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12
MOV EAX,0x12345678
(register,EAX,4) = COPY (const,0x12345678,4)
exceeded last available address
Expect bindings found in test
to be broken fairly often until a stable version number is released.