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vipe the web, like a pro, using the webViper!

webViper in short

webViper is a highly configureable element removal/cleaner (not blocker!) for the web.


Usage options for the viper

There are currently two flavours:

  • webViper_userScript.js for usage with a browser "userscript"-addons like Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or alike (currently recommended!)
  • webViper.js only the javascript code - as foundation for later.. u and me and we will see!

Filter rules, how to get clearing out working

webViper sources have comments, but to make things easy, here they are. The definition for a website is in const ruleSet, here for the news magazine

// Small config rules inside "ruleSet"
const ruleSet = {

    // First target "url" or "url part"
    // Here: '', but also '' could be used.
    '': {

        // List of keywords to search for and vipe out
        keywords: [

        // List of excludes, "url pathes" or "any other word"
        // can be empty also.
        excludes: [

        // Should elements be removed? true / false
        removeElement: true,

        // List of Tags/CSS Selectors and HTML Tag elements
        elementContainers: {

            // "a" (Link) HTML-Tag
            // and a list of possible containing parents:
            // - 'article.stage-teaser'
            // - '.news-ticker-item'
            a: ['article.stage-teaser', '.news-ticker-item'],

            // or for only "a" CSS class "stage-teaser__anchor" class "a" HTML tags
            'a.stage-teaser__anchor': ['article.stage-teaser', '.news-ticker-item'],

            // And you can use multiple "a." rules if required
            // or only ".className" / "#id", like..
            // '.stage-teaser__anchor': ['article.stage-teaser', '.news-ticker-item']

            img: ['article.stage-teaser'],
            // You could also use 'img.className' too
            // 'img.classNameClass': ['article.stage-teaser']
    }, {
    '': {

Video guide on how to add new rules

A video demonstration how to add and extend the ruleSet rules and identify a cleaning item.


Help, support and issues or bugs

Please create a issue, with the website url and the keyword(s) which you want to be viped out.

Note: If the website changes/updates in between, you might - in advance - add two screenshots. One screenshot of page in your browser showing the content in question and one with the HTML markup with the offending content in HTML inside the webdeveloper console. Usually the webdeveloper console can be opend using F12-key in your browser.

The issue can be reported at issues:

Credits and kudos - shoutout!

Everyone at the Laucharme - we are a private group in Telegram, but if you know German or English, we can surely arrange a invite if you are keen to get in touch: We are cool, of course!

And this fantastic cover art?

The source of the nice viper image is of - I just made some post artwork.