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This program uses the Joplin API and Tweepy to read individual Twitter status URLs, grab their text and images, and store them into new notes in a Joplin notebook.

  1. Copy the example configuration file and create your own

    $ copy jopleet.config.example jopleet.config

    Edit the file and fill in the values:

  2. Open Joplin desktop (warning: tested on macOS only), open preferences and the Web Clipper section. Enable the Web Clipper Service which will make the REST API available.

  3. In that same preference pane, under Advanced Options, you'll find the API authoriaation token. Copy this value into the value of token in your configuration file.

    token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Create a Twitter dev account with the tokens you need. Their names are in the configuration file and you fill in the values accordingly.

  5. Create a new notebook in Joplin into which jopleet will store all tweets. We also call this a folder -- in Joplin notebooks are called folders.

    $ ./  a001
     "title": "a001",
     "id": "491fea8acdb84ada8a766d9e17c3497e",
     "updated_time": 1602257565942,
     "created_time": 1602257565942,
     "user_updated_time": 1602257565942,
     "user_created_time": 1602257565942,
     "type_": 2
  6. Copy the value of id above, without the double quotes into the value of parent_folder = in your configuration file.

    parent_folder = 491fea8acdb84ada8a766d9e17c3497e
  7. Verify that the Markdown template in which will be written to each note is the way you want it to be; change accordingly.

  8. Create the Python environment

    $ python3 -mvenv env.v3
    $ env.v3/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. Test it

    $ env.v3/bin/python ./
  10. The result ought to be a note in Joplin which looks like this

joplin note

  1. Options option "-t" accepts a comma-separated list of existing tags which will be associated with the new note.