Every Component in a Demo tide-pool
Tide-pool is a sandbox BRX project, built in Typescript 4.9 using React 19.
- The goal of this project is to re-implement GMRT MapTool ( try it out here) in the modern web development toolings below and further extend by integrating open source web gis technologies.
- Some other modern iterations of public-facing applications/tools that utilize GMRT-like web maps and tools.
- Bedrock Ocean Exploration - Mission - Mosaic
- Seabed 2030 - Mission - BathyGlobe
- NOAA Digital Coast - Mission
Noteworthy Tooling Included:
- Vite - Build tool and dev server
- Jotai - Atomic approach to global React state management
- TailwindCSS - CSS utilities
- React-Map-GL - React Wrapper for Mapbox-GL
- Storybook - View published Storybook here for testing UI components
Original Tooling In GMRTMapTool:
- JQuery
- OpenLayers
- Google Maps
- Google Charts
Data and Metadata Provided by:
Global Multi-Resolution Topography Data Synthesis is a multi-resolutional compilation of edited multibeam sonar data collected by scientists and institutions worldwide, that is reviewed, processed and gridded by the GMRT Team and merged into a single continuously updated compilation of global elevation data. The synthesis began in 1992 as the Ridge Multibeam Synthesis (RMBS), was expanded to include multibeam bathymetry data from the Southern Ocean, and now includes bathymetry from throughout the global and coastal oceans.
The project requires Node 18 to be installed on your local machine, refer to npm for download instructions.
- Install project dependencies
npm install
- Start the Dev Server
npm run dev
The dev server will launch in your browser at localhost:4444 and will automatically reload as you make changes.
- Refactor Components and File Structure to Scream
- 3D Map Projection & Scene Rendering
- 2D Map Projection & Map Editor Tools
- OGC & REST Service Integration
- Deploy a React component library on top of gle-scene-components
- Bathymetric Globe w/ 3D Scenes
- Bathymetric Web Mercator Map w/ Map Editing
- Integrate 3D Models from 3DMR a Repository for 3D models, and their metadata, for use by the OSM community
- Incorporate SPZ, glTF, and OBJ