Voice control for macOS with a Vim mindset.
Create the virtual environment
conda activate base conda create -n vocalize -y conda activate vocalize conda config --env --set subdir osx-64 conda install python=3.10.14 -y
Install Vocalize
make install
Run Vocalize (use an alias to make this easier)
make start
This project assumes you have the following keybindings configured:
- Dictation: Control + Shift + D
- Password Manager: Command + Option + \
- Terminal Show/Hide: Command + Shift + Space
- Clipboard Manager: Control + Space
And the following apps installed:
In addition, the following dotfiles are assumed:
See the exact dev environment:
Although the project is configured in this specific way, it can be forked and configured to your liking.
Huge thanks to David Zurow for all the amazing contributions to the community.
Also thanks to Tavis Rudd for the inspiration and ideas.