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Buzzer and Scoreboard system for your trivia show needs!

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You can run to install the dependencies of the project.

Server Dependencies

  • redis

Web Client Dependencies

  • JQuery
  • Materialize

These web dependencies are copied onto the server host. So the they are served up from the server rather than a CDN. This is to allow the project to run when there isn't internet. Note that downloading the web client dependencies still requires internet.


  • config.json (using example_config.json)
  • Get your own audio files for /web/buzzin.mp3 and /web/incorectAnswer.mp3
    • if you don't want audio then change the following lines in /web/js/scoreboard.js
      • from: var buzzInSound = new Audio("/buzzIn.mp3"); var inncorectAnswerSound = new Audio("/incorectAnswer.mp3");
      • to: var buzzInSound = null; var inncorectAnswerSound = null;

Server Start

  1. start redis
    • Run the script in the project root directory.
  2. start http
    • Run the script in the project root directory.


  • player (/)
  • scoreboard (/scoreboard)
  • admin (/admin)

How to Use

  • Players access /
    • Then they select which team they are apart of.
    • They press the buzzer when they want to buzz in.
  • The admin controls the state of the game.
    • Can toggles the listening state with the [BUZZER LISTENING] button.
      • When the question state is off (red), then no buzzer input is listened to.
        • The scoreboard top bar will be blue.
      • When the question state is on (green), then the first buzzer input is listened to.
        • The scoreboard top bar will be green.
    • Can modify the score on the board.
      • They select which team (or teams) they want to modify, and they can add/subtract/set the score.
        • Subtract is redundant, but there for convenience.
      • If the config has setup the score_scale_factors and are valid, there is a scale factor button that will multiple the value in the text box before applying the operation set.
    • If someone gets the question wrong they can press the [KEEP LISTENING] near the bottom of the page.
      • This will cause the server to continue listening, but not listen to the people who got the question wrong.
      • When done so, the team state is of who ever is BUZZER_PRESSED is changed to BUZZER_PRESSED_FAILED.
      • You will only ever see one team who has the state BUZZER_PRESSED.
    • If they want to reset the buzzer states, they can press the [RESET BUZZER] button on the bottom of the page.
      • Every team will be set to BUZZER_NOT_PRESSED


  • Required fields in config.json:
    • http.hostname
    • http.port
    • teams
      • there are optional fields within teams.
      • You can have a object with the keys being the team names
        • Each team can have the property key, which will add security to the team buzzers.
          • If key is null or empty string, it is the same as not having there
          • With key being set, buzzing for a specific team will compare the password to verify.
            • If the password is wrong, the buzz request is ignored.
  • Optional fields in config.json:
    • Admin Related:
      • admin.key
        • If key is null, then anyone who is aware of the admin page can use it.
        • If key is a string, then the admin page will have a password field at the bottom of the page. Any POST request made by the admin page will be checked against the password. If the password doesn't match, the POST request will be rejected.
          • Any request that modifies state is a POST request.
          • What this means is that anyone can load the admin page, but anything the admin page requests to do will need the password that is in the config.
      • admin.score_presets
        • These are quick access buttons for specific score values.
        • If this entry is not here, then this section on the admin page is not rendered.
      • admin.slider
        • This renders a slider for quick access to variable score values.
          • Useful on mobile browsers
        • If this entry is not here, then this section on the admin page is not rendered.
        • Required sub-fields:
          • min
          • max
        • Optional sub-fields:
          • increment
            • Default is set if given.
      • admin.score_scale_factors
        • This renders a dropdown for a multiplier that will be applied to the value for the admin operation.
        • If this entry is not here, then this section on the admin page is not rendered.
        • Required sub-fields:
          • values
        • Optional sub-fields:
          • tol
            • This defines the tolerance for testing floating point number comparison.
            • If not present, a default value is used.
            • Used to determine if a unitary (x 1.0) multiplier is present.
              • If you have floating point values close to 1.0, then a smaller tol value should be used.
    • Scoreboard Related:
      • scoreboard.poll
        • This specifies the period between polls to the server for scoreboard updates.
        • If this entry is not here, then the scoreboard will poll at a default rate.
      • scoreboard.refresh_threshold
        • If this entry is not here, then the scoreboard will not refresh after a specific number of polls to the server.


There is very basic security. OAuth is a better way to do this if we were to do this for real. As a reminder, this is meant for personal use.

This project just uses pre-shared passwords set in the config.json. Read more in Configurability section. If you use the password based security in this project. You just have to control who know what password. I find this okay for the short term use of an instance of this project.

The admin key can be set without any of the team, and visa versa. But if one team has a key set, all the team must have keys set. With the team, it's all or nothing for setting keys.

This project also saves the pre-shared keys in local storage. Which is also not a very great practice.


Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release

Version 1.0.1

  • Made the http server be threaded, note that the class BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer is single threaded

Version 1.0.2

  • The scoreboard meta data is no logger written to file and read from file, but now just kept in memory. This has increased the response time of the scoreboard page.

Version 2.0.0

  • Several Admin Features have been added.
    • As a result, the configuation data sent from server to client is very different
    • Multiple teams can be sent in an operation
      • A set operation for multiple teams is broken down into several additions and subtractions
    • The set operation now changes the scaleFactor to 1.0

Version 2.1.0

  • The scoreboard page is configurable inside of the config.json. The example_config.json should be updated showing how.
    • The poll period (how often the scoreboard makes a GET request to the server for new info) is configurable.
    • The refresh threshold can be configurable. The scoreboard tracks the number of times it has made requests to the server, when the count exceeds the threshold, the page is refreshed. This is normally an issue when the page is viewed on a mobile browser.
  • Added admin feature to select team who has buzzed in (team buzzer state 1), and select all the teams who have buzzed in but got the wrong answer (team buzzer state 2).

Version 3.0

  • Python 3 compatiblity
    • Tested with Python 3.6
  • Basic security features
  • Project setup now downloads the web client dependencies into the host server.
    • The server now serves up these files instead rather than using the CDN.
      • This allows the project to run without internet.
        • Although inital project setup still requires internet.

Version 3.1

  • Dockerized the build.


Buzzer and Scoreboard system for your trivia show needs!







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