Set of scripts to create one-purpose Internet Radio Player from old Raspberry PI with simple Web Interface to change stations and volume. Settings is persistent.
- Turn Radio On: wget -qO/dev/null http://YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS/rr/index.php?station
- Turn Radio Off: wget -qO/dev/null http://YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS/rr/index.php?station=666
!!! Security of Apache, PHP and so is ZERO, 0, KEINE, NONE, NINGUNO, NO, 없음 !
!!! It's supposed to be installed in local home network ONLY !
!!! Never publish web interface to internet !
!!! This will ADD content to /var/www/html/ - rr/ folder with radio files !
I made it in few hours including testing so it should be working fine but scripts are far from perfect. Do NOT run it on other than completelly wiped/clean Raspberry PI.
By default analog output is enabled. This can be changed to HDMI in script.
Radio Stations could be modified in radioStations.php before you run ansible-playbook.
After ansible-playbook install, simple WEB interface should be available on http://YOUR_RPI_IP_ADDRESS/rr/.
Prepare RPi with new, clean OS Raspbian.
Unzip image file and create boot MicroSD/SD card.
Example is for MacOS:
diskutil list
Find what disk# is SD card. You can run above command before and after insert SD card and compare results.
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
sudo dd bs=1m if=image.img of=/dev/rdisk<disk# from diskutil> conv=sync
diskutil eject /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
Steps for Linux will be similar.
Windows users can follow this guide Installing Raspbian system images using Windows use Etcher, Win32DiskImager or any tool for writing disk image to USB disk (SD/MicroSD card).
Login by SSH (Windows users can use putty) as user pi with password raspberry.
sudo -i
systemctl enable ssh
systemctl start ssh
apt update && apt install -y python software-properties-common ansible git
git clone
cd ryradio
ansible-playbook firstInstall.yml
ansible-playbook updateRadioFiles.yml
// If you don't want to install apache web server and postfix mail server, use:
// ansible-playbook updateRadioFiles.yml firstInstall.yml --tags radioOnly
// You must have own WEB server with PHP and MAIL server.
Read final MESSAGE section when ansible ends to get email notification work.
Login using SSH as user pi with password raspberry.
cd ryradio
git pull
ansible-playbook updateRadioFiles.yml
sudo reboot
- Josef Rysanek - Initial work - RyRadio
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Thanks Peec for PHP Process class.