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Priya Singh edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 8 revisions

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  • Joomla: 3.8 +
  • PHP : 5.6+

JD Simple Contact Form

JD Simple Contact form extension is simple form builder for a Joomla ideally suited for beginners and also meets the basic requirements for every developers and designer. It allows creating various types of form like a mailing list, survey, contact and more.

It includes:

  • An unlimited number of form fields.
  • 9 different field types.
  • Ability to make fields required.
  • Ability to order fields.
  • Ability to configure thank you message.
  • Ability to redirect to another page after form submission.
  • Custom email messages.
  • Ability to CC, BCC messages.
  • Ajax Submission.


Here are the steps to how to install JD Simple Contact form.

Download the JD Simple Contact Form zip file package. You can download it from below links.

Official website:


Go to Extensions > Extension Manager > Upload Package File.

You can now access JD Simple Contact Form in the module section.


Setup and Configuration

Introductory Video

Introductory Video


Customizing a Form

In JD Simple Contact form settings, you will get three tabs i.e. General Module settings tab, Form layout tab, Email Options tab from where you can Create/Customize the form in an easy way.

General settings

Here you can configure the basic settings of the form like providing the title/ label for your form, whether you want to update form without reloading the page or not, Captcha option etc..

Option Description
Title The title is just a label for a contact form which will display at the top of the form.
Description The description of your form will display right after the Title and before all the fields.
Enable Ajax? If Enabled to Ajax the form won't refresh after submission.
Enable Captcha? Enabling Captcha will allow you to add human verification technology to your form. This will be displayed at the bottom of the form.
Submit button text Here you can change the submit button text. Default is Submit.
Submit button class Here you can define a class for submit button.
Thankyou message Enter a Thankyou message to be displayed after the submission. Use {field:name} & {field:value} to render dynamic values.
Redirect URL Enter URL to redirect users after submission. Use {field:name} & {field:value} to render dynamic values.

How to Configure ReCaptcha in JD Simple Contact form

In order to work Captcha, you have to configure reCaptcha settings of default Joomla. You need to enter Site key and Secret key from Google reCAPTCHA site. Without these keys, reCAPTCHA will not work.

Visit this site to get your own reCAPTCHA API keys:


  1. Navigate to Extensions > Plugins.
  2. Search and find the reCaptcha plugin.
  3. Open reCaptcha plugin, insert the Site Key & Secret Key and save changes.


Go to User Option. In the field named "Default Captcha" choose "Captcha-ReCaptcha" and save the settings.


Now, Go to Simple Contact general settings options Enable Captcha and refresh your site to see changes.


Form Layout

The form layouts allow you to design forms and display exactly you map in the layout, you can use drag and drop for ordering the fields, each field requires a label and a field type.


Name: The name of the form field needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name field is only used for internal reference it will not be displayed in the frontend.

Type: There are pre-defined field types which can be selected from drop-down option.

Label: Title/Name of the field, the label will render in the frontend describing the respective field.

Required: Select to Yes to make the field as mandatory, user needs to answer the respective field before submission.If selected to No the field will be treated as optional.

It has 9 different flexible field types-

Text: Single-line input and accept any form of text. You can set Width

Textarea: Multi-line input and accept any form of text.

Radio: It is a control element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. Each option is separated by enter key.

Single checkbox/Acceptance checkbox: Shows that a particular feature has been enabled or a particular option chosen.

Checkboxes: multiple checkboxes, each checkbox operates individually, so a user can toggle each response list. Each option is separated by enter key.

E-mail: Single-line input and accept only e-mail addresses.

List: List of options, each separated by enter key where only one of which can be selected.

Number: Single-line input and accept only telephone number.

URL field single-line input and accept only URL.



Email option

You can configure email options settings to customize mail Templates for mail that is to be sent as a result of a form submission. Custom made email templates are unique in design & customized to your requirement.

Option Description
From Email Enter an email address from which the mail will be received, else email is sent through a server, receiving emails view server "From" addresses.
From Name Enter a name or title that will be recognizable in receiving email.
Email Subject Enter Subject of the Receiving email. You can use {field:label} & {field:value} to render dynamic values in the field.
Email Address Enter the email address to receive submissions. Use a comma to separate multiple emails.
CC Email Enter Email address whom you want to put in the CC section of the email. Use a comma to separate multiple emails.
BCC Email Enter Email address whom you want to put in the BCC section of the email. Use a comma to separate multiple emails.
Email Templates Select the email template, The default template will list all the fields in the order they exists in {field:label} & {field:value} format. Whereas in custom you can customize the formatting and text of emails.
