Memory file system based http server for ESP8266-12 modules
This project is for ESP-12 modules or those with 4MBytes or more of flash.
The ESP8266 is not well suited to this role, this is a "just for fun" project. When I started writing this I could only see one other esp http server, since then I have found a couple more. This code is early Beta quaility at best.
With care and careful image quality/size tweaks a reasonable size static web site could fit in the 3 Megabytes available for it on the ESP12.
TCP Performance has been an issue on these modules, over clocked and under ideal conditions it may sqeak 110 KBytes a second but expect much less.
This is compiled and tested against esp_iot_sdk_v1.5.2 only.
To build: Edit Makefile, set the paths at the top for your build environment
Edit user/main.c, set ssid, pass and OVERCLOCK options at the top
Place the static web page content in www directory, keep filenames short
$ make clean;make
$ ./flashesp
To use: If the ssid and pass have been set the module should appear on your network, or :
Directly connect using Wifi
Browse to:
If index.html is in the flash image then the server will present that as the page /
If index.html is not present a list of files in flash will be returned.
A list of files can be had by using a URL containing a single "?" character
At the moment the server only recognises .html .htm .c .h .jpg and .png files - others
may require a bit of tweaking of the server. File type is based solely on the last 3
digits of the file extension.
ToDo: Fix bug, sending some extra 0x00 bytes at the end of the each file, Add a number of files in memory file system field to mfs code rather than use an include
Reuse: Feel free to use the code, a credit and reference to the original projects would be nice. Please Fork, contibutions back are welcome.
Sample web page: Very simple and not pretty, just to prove it works,
Credits: Thanks to the hard work of others I did not need to start from scratch and borrowed code and ideas from the following:
The basic HTTP server is based on the well structured TCP server demo code by Tom Trebisky
His web site:
code used is here:
The memory filesystem code is a slightly modified version of the memory file system code by Charles Lohr
from this project:
DNS spoofing by Israel Lot
Other packages available: Having written most of this I found a couple of better written projects. Google for "esp-ginx" and "esphttpd"