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Squizzy: A Kahoot-style real-time quiz game

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Squizzy is a real-time quiz game powered by

  • Create quizes and host matches with Sanity Studio
  • Real-time web app built with Vue, optimized for mobile
  • Unsplash integration to easily add photos
  • Easy deployment on ZEIT’s Now

Table of contents:

Deploy your own Squizzy instance

To get started with Squizzy, follow these instructions.

  1. Copy this repository and clone it to your computer
  2. Install dependencies with npm install (or yarn) in the root and /studio folders.
  3. Install Now CLI and Sanity CLI: npm install --global @sanity/cli now

Deploying the Sanity Studio and host display on *

  1. Run sanity init inside the /studio folder. Follow the instructions to connect the studio up with a new project and dataset.
  2. Run sanity deploy to build and upload the studio to <your-studio-name>
  3. Run sanity deploy again whenever you want to upload changes to the studio code

Deploying the web app and the serverless functions on Now

  1. First you need to add a secret token with write permissions to your Now account:
    1. Find your project’s API settings on{YOUR_PROJECTID}/settings/api (or run sanity manage inside /studio)
    2. Under the Tokens sections, create a new token with write permissions
    3. Rename the .env.template file to .env in the root folder, it will be ignored by git.
    4. Copy-paste the token into the .env file for the SQUIZZY_WRITE_TOKEN= variable
    5. Make sure you have copied the token and run now secrets add squizzy_write_token $(pbpaste) to add it on Now.
    6. Alternatively: now secrets add squizzy_write_token <the-token> (put a space before now to avoid the token going into your bash history).
  2. Replace the projectId and dataset in ./sanityClientConfig.js with the one you connected the Studio to. Find them by looking in /studio/sanity.json or by running sanity debug in the /studio folder.
  3. Run now in the root folder to deploy the app, or go to your Now account and add the GitHub repository
  4. Add your app domain to your Sanity project’s CORS settings. In the /studio folder, run sanity cors add --no-credentials or go to your project’s API settings on
  5. Update the remoteWebHost in /studio/quizConfig to match your new URL on Now.

Play Squizzy

Squizzy comes with the following routes:

Create and edit quizzes

To make a new quiz, go to your studio, click “Quiz” and creat new. Give it a name, description, and some questions with multiple choice answers. The time limit will default to 20 seconds, but you can override it. You can also add an image.

Create a new match

To launch a new game, click Match (/studio/desk/match) and create new. The slug will be created automatically, and you can select from all your published quizes. When you have selected a quiz, publish the match.

Now you can click the Let’s play button in the studio’s top bar. Here you get an overview over all published and ongoing matches. Select the one you just published to initiate the host screen.

The host screen will show a QR code. Your players can join by scanning this QR code by going to where your Squizzy instance is deployed (, allow camera access, and scan the QR-code. If they aren't able to scan the QR code, they can go to to join.

The host controls the game play from the “Let’s play” tool in the studio.

Local development

Sanity Studio

Go to to find more documentation on how to configure and customize Sanity Studio.

  1. Make sure you have the CLI installed: npm i -g @sanity/cli (or yarn global @sanity/cli)
  2. Inside the /studio folder, install dependencies with sanity install
  3. npm run dev to start the local development server
  4. You can open the studio on localhost:3333

You'll find the content model for the quiz, match, and players inside of /studio/schemas.

You'll find the host play display inside of /studio/plugins/quiz-match.

You can tweak the Studio’s color scheme in /studio/squizzyTheme.css

Web app

Go to for documentation on Vue.

  1. Install dependencies by running npm i (or yarn) in the root folder
  2. Run now dev to start the web app, the studio, and serverless functions concurrently (remember to install studio dependencies first)
  3. You can access the following endpoints:
    • Web app on localhost:3000
    • Serverless functions on localhost:3000/api/<function-name>
    • Sanity Studio on localhost:3333

N.B! The web app will run on localhost:3000 (the dev server log will show a different port number, but now dev binds this random port to :3000).


  • Add the Giphy asset source selector if you want easy access to animated GIFs for your quizzes.

* You can also use npx @sanity/cli <command> and npx now <command> if you prefer not to install global dependencies.


Kahoot / Squizzy clone







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