Quick and dirty python script for exporting Spotify playlist with album date information in CSV format.
Requires spotipy https://github.com/plamere/spotipy
pip install spotipy
Note: spotipy requires the Requests library, pip should take care of that though.
Note: written for python3,
should run in python 2.7 thanks to
from __future__ import print_function
as first line.
Get a Spotify client id and client secret by registering an app (this app really) at https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications/. Set its redirect url to 'http://localhost' (when registering).
Set the following environment variables (used by spotipy library):
For example do this in the terminal where you want to run the script (in Linux, do something similar on Windows):
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID=<your-client-id>
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-client-secret>
export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost
Finally run the script as:
python export-spotify-playlist.py PLAYLISTURI > playlist.csv
's can be found in the Spotify app
by right-clicking a playlist and selecting "Copy Spotify URI".
It has a format like spotify:user:<username>:playlist:<some-id>
The script prints a message to stderr
for each batch of tracks it processes.
Redirecting output to file with > playlist.csv
will not redirect this message
so your .csv file will not contain these messages.
Spotipy will open a web browser (or new tab) for authentication with Spotify if it is the first time you use the script.
If your browser already considers you authenticated on http://spotify.com it will not show you a login page but redirect you immediately.
Wheter immediately or after logging in
you will be redirected to localhost/?code=<long-id>
which will very likely result in some unable-to-connect error in your browser.
Don't worry, you only need the actual url (localhost/?cod=<long-id>
Copy it and paste it back into the terminal where the python script is running.
The script also instructs you to do so.
There is a hidden dir .cache-<username>
which store
the login token from run to run.
If nothing seems to work try deleting this and reauthenticating,
e.g. after you changed password of your Spotify account.
Right now it just exports unquoted data separated by semicolon (;). So if your track title or album title contains a semicolon you'll have surprises when parsing the output.
Find a better solution or change the separator based on your needs.