Based on the user-provided zip code, this project accesses the EPA database using a public API to determine the physical locations where toxic chemicals are manufactured, processed, or otherwise used nearby.
- Express
- Node
- JavaScript
- Axios
- REST API requests
- Bootstrap
- - print one result to dom
- - print all results to dom
- - make app more mobile friendly
- - print total number of results found to dom
- - overhaul whole project in Bootstrap
- - add loading animation to page on API request
- - compile results to table format
- - fix nav header to top
- - add telephone number to result item
- - add "back to top" arrow
- - make "back to top" arrow float
- - prevent default on input textarea so that "Enter" calls button click
- - convert API request to RESTful format
- - add detailed compliance reports by querying additional table
- - include additional information on violations/enforcements
- - add input field validation and errors
- - add a search bar for results
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