CTA Python pipeline experimental version.
This is code for exploring a CTA data processing framework. It is not official and not recommended for use!
Example notebooks: https://github.com/cta-observatory/ctapipe/tree/master/examples/notebooks
First install Anaconda python distribution for Python3.4 http://continuum.io/downloads#py34
If you already use anaconda, but with python 2.7, you can create a second anaconda virtual environment for python3 following the instructions here: http://continuum.io/blog/anaconda-python-3):
# only if you already run anaconda: install a new virtualenv for # cta development: conda create -n cta python=3.4 anaconda source activate cta # to switch to the cta python virtualenv
later you can switch back to your the root environment (or another) by running:
source activate root
Anaconda's distribution doesn't interfere with your local python distribution if you have one, and can be installed without root privileges. It contains all the required packages. To "activate" Anaconda's python, just put it's bin directory in your path: (e.g. export PATH=$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH).
After installing anaconda and setting your PATH, run the following to update the packages (for now we have no version restrictions, so the latest ones usually work):
conda update --all
Next you need to check out the ~ctapipe~ module and initialize it:
git clone https://github.com/cta-observatory/ctapipe.git cd ctapipe git submodule init git submodule update
The last two commands fetch the example data files. The following command should be run once to enable development mode (by making symlinks to the package in your local python package directory). After that the package will be importable anywhere on your system:
make develop
next steps:
make docshow # build and show the documentation make test # run the tests look at the examples in ~ctapipe/examples~ and also the notebooks in ~ctapipe/examples/notebooks/~ The README file in that directory will help you run the notebook examples.