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Johan Leino edited this page Aug 7, 2013 · 8 revisions

This is a quick introduction to 'Web Deploy PowerShell' (wdp for short). Enjoy!


Web Deploy PowerShell (wdp) is a set of low ceremony, convention over configuration, PowerShell modules that wraps, and internally uses, the Web Deploy PowerShell Cmdlets.

It's distributed via NuGet and requires minimal configuration.

It also has built-in awareness of TeamCity and will work great in such an environment (and outside).


I started using the Web Deploy PowerShell Cmdlets and created wrappers around them to be able to fit them into my needs. This is just a more generalized version of those wrappers.


It should be easy!

The PowerShell modules that you use only contain one "public" function. Most things are convention-based which means that it will just work without having to configure everything. However most of the conventions can be customized to fit your needs (see the examples for details).

The Modules