Application to computerize the process of making online booking of Cinemas.
MOBLIMA is coded on Visual Studio Code using Java from the Visual Studio Code Extension. Steps to run:
- Open the folder in Visual Studio Code
- Navigate to .vscode
- Open settings.json
- Set the path to "../lib/**/*.jar", which contains the POI library for reading for documents (Skip this step if you are using Linux or Mac OS)
- Navigate to
- Press on run -> "Start Debugging"
- Enjoy the masterpiece
.vscode - Settings for vscode
bin - Contains .class files
lib - Contains the poi-binary for reading of xlsx files which consists of all the movie data
database - Consists of all the xlxs files which consists of our data
src - all of our source codes
|___ Model - Consists of all Entity Classes
|___ View - Consists of all Boundary Classes
|___ Controller - Consists of all Control Classes
|___ - Main app file