A simple react template.
Note This template is less relevant as much of the tooling included has its own scaffolding
- https://vitejs.dev/guide/#scaffolding-your-first-vite-project
- https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/getting-started
- https://prettier.io/docs/en/integrating-with-linters.html
- https://vitest.dev/guide/#adding-vitest-to-your-project
- https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/setup
- https://playwright.dev/docs/intro#installing-playwright
A lighter alternative to Create React App using Vite for its leverage of ES module support in the browser and convention based approach. Testing uses Testing Library and Vitest.
More complete templates will be created as branches.
The local environment assumes node@18
. You can use any Node version manager that uses the .nvmrc
configuration file (we recommend fnm).
npm start
starts the dev HMR environment on http://localhost:5173npm test
runs the tests (will watch in a dev environment)npm run lint
runs eslint and prettier format checknpm run preview
performs a production build and starts a web server on http://localhost:4173/npm run test-ui
runs the tests, reporting in the console as well as opening the test UI interface inhttp://localhost:51204/__vitest__/