Build a simple todo application that interacts with the provided NodeJS API. The application can be as simple or feature rich as you want.
- Must use a modern frontend framework or language
- CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Material Design are optional
- Maximum of three dependencies
- Must not copy any code, markup, or styling from readily available online examples of todo applications
- Must keep the state of the todo list in sync with the API at all times (not counting UI state like "hide archived todos"). For example, a task that is "checked" on the frontend should have this property set to true on the backend
- Must provide a README that explains how to run your app, as well as an explanation of the application architecture and why you made certain decisions or chose certain tools
Note: Any dependencies added in support of a bonus feature will not count towards the dependency limit
- Extend the API to support things like... reminders, due dates, recurring todos, tags, separate lists, etc.
- Implement a frontend state container such as Redux or MobX
- Create separate RESTful endpoints that replicate the functionality of the RPC endpoints
- Persist your todo list to a real database, rather than an in-memory array
- Add better error handling to the API
- Implement basic unit testing
- Reorder todo items, possibly using drag'n'drop
- Etc. etc.
The API is setup to run on port 3005 and follows the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification. Start the server by cloning the repo, installing dependencies with npm install
or yarn
, and running npm start
. Below is an example of how you might interact with one of the endpoints using curl:
$ HDR='Content-type: application/json'
$ MSG='{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "addTodo", "id": 1, "params": {"description": "Pickup the dry cleaning"}}'
$ curl -H $HDR -d $MSG http://localhost:3005
==> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"description":"Pickup the dry cleaning","id":"H1KN6IWGX","checked":false,"archived":false}}
Out of the box, a standard Todo object is comprised of four properties. This structure can be extended or modified however you wish.
- description (string)
- id (string, auto-generated by the API)
- checked (boolean, API will default to false if not provided)
- archived (boolean, API will default to false if not provided)
getTodoList() --> [Todo, Todo, ...]
getTodo(id) --> Todo
addTodo(Todo) --> Todo
deleteTodo(id) --> [Todo, Todo, ...]
checkTodo(id) --> Todo
uncheckTodo(id) --> Todo
archiveTodo(id) --> Todo
unarchiveTodo(id) --> Todo
To interact with the API, you may use jayson, a JSON-RPC compliant AJAX library. Alternatively, you could use a more generic AJAX library such as axios or request, and if you're struggling to stay under the dependency limit, the built-in browser Fetch API is always an option.