Clone the ex_mvc4 repository, run npm install && bower install
to grab the dependencies, and grunt
to get it running.
Runs like a typical express app:
node app.js
Nothing yet, sorry. Feel free to fork it and add them yourself.
controllers/ --> controller files
home.js --> main controller
models/ --> model files
article.js --> example model
home/ --> folder to correspond to controller
index.dust --> main page for app
404.dust --> error page
layout.dust --> main layout which wraps all other views
navbar.dust --> bootstrap navbar with dust code for active pages
config/ --> config files
config.js --> basic config, environment setup
express.js --> Express 4 dependencies and config
routes.js --> routes for app, map routes to controllers
public/ --> static files
components/ --> bower components (after you run `bower install`)
css/ --> css files
main.css --> default stylesheet
img/ --> image files (favicon)
js/ --> javascript files
.bowerrc --> Bower config
.gitignore --> Git ignore file
.npmignore --> NPM ignore file
app.js --> main express app
bower.json --> Bower dependencies
Gruntfile.js --> Grunt config for running app with livereload
package.json --> config and dependencies --> what you are currently reading
Express check out
Dust check out
Mongoose check out