author: Jay Convertino
date: 2023.09.19
details: RTL IP cores located in a central repo for easier pulls.
license: MIT
- V1.0.0 - initial release
- none
- AFRL:utility
- AFRL:simulation
- buffer = Contains fifos, lifos and other types of data memory cores.
- axis_fifo
- axis_tiny_fifo
- fifo
- bus = Contains interface cores for various buses.
- up_apb3
- up_wishbone_classic
- up_wishbone_pipeline
- converter = Data conversion from one format to another.
- axis_data_to_axis_string
- axis_string_to_axis_data
- axis_data_width_converter
- device = Cores that interface with specific devices and provide i/o to the device.
- axis_1553_decoder
- axis_1553_encoder
- axis_uart
- bus_gpio
- bus_1553
- bus_uart
- ft245_sync_to_axis
- math = Core that alter input data to produce a new set of output data.
- axis_moving_average
- ram = Various RAM cores for internal and external.
- bus_block_ram
- dc_block_ram