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Case Study 1 Overview

In Case Study 1, the setup and code were done on Tinkercad. The case required the implementation of 2 UltraSonic Sensors to detect suspects within a 2-meter range and display these results on the LCD.

Case Study 2 Overview

In Case Study 2, I used ESP8266 Node MCU, Soil Moisture Sensor, and DHT11 Sensor to capture Soil Moisture Level, Temperature, and Humidity. This data was then visualized on the LCD and ThingSpeak Platform.

Storing Credentials for Local Running

  1. Create case2_credentials.h file:

    • Create a new file named case2_credentials.h in the same directory as your main sketch file.
  2. Define Credentials:

    • In case2_credentials.h, define the following credentials:
      const char* ssid = "YourWiFiSSID";
      const char* password = "YourWiFiPassword";
      const char* write_apiKey = "YourThingSpeakAPIKey";
      const unsigned long channelID = YourThingSpeakChannelID;
  3. Include Credentials in the Main Sketch:

    • Include case2_credentials.h at the beginning of your main sketch.
      #include "case2_credentials.h"

Case Study 3 Overview

In Case Study 3, I used Adafruit to display Light Intensity captured by the LDR Sensor. Adafruit's MQTT broker was also used to simulate a Publish/Subscribe model.

Storing Credentials for Local Running

  1. Create case3_credentials.h file:

    • Create a new file named case3_credentials.h in the same directory as your main sketch file.
  2. Define Credentials:

    • In case3_credentials.h, define the following credentials:
      #define WLAN_SSID       "WIFI SSID"
      #define WLAN_PASS       "WIFI Password"
      #define AIO_SERVER      ""
      #define AIO_SERVERPORT  ****
      #define AIO_USERNAME    "Your Adafruit's Username"
      #define AIO_KEY         "Your Adafruit's API KEY"
      #define myChannelNumber   YourThingSpeakChannelNumber
      const char* myWriteAPIKey  = "Your ThingSpeak WriteAPIKey";
  3. Include Credentials in the Main Sketch:

    • Include case3_credentials.h at the beginning of your main sketch.
      #include "case3_credentials.h"


Case Study Implementation Codes






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