The main goal of This plugin is providing a generic module bundler and workflow for all your development use cases in any project related to the web or node. All native web types like html, css and JavaScript are supported natively in their latest language specification through preconfigured transpiler.
- Complete and flexible configured wrapper for webpack5+ with many automatically determined pre configurations.
- Completely adaptable for your needs.
- Targets library and web bundle building out of the box.
- Only one configuration file (your already existing package.json) for all needed customisations needed.
- Many uses-cases are preconfigured and mostly works out of the box for
your project:
- Preconfigured preprocessing for css (PostCSS), javaScript (Babel, Flow) and any generic text (template) file (in ejs) with any number of precompile/render steps for optimal runtime performance.
- Preconfigured postprocessing for css (Minification), JavaScript (Minification), Images (Compression)
- Image sprite handling: Combine your images and never manage sprites by hand again.
- Polymorphic testing on dom in browsers and/or node through weboptimizer/browser
- Linting and TypeChecking with Flow on css and javaScript
- Automatic API-Documentation generation for javaScript
- Various pre configured and adaptable implemented concepts for building development-, production-, testing-, errorhandler and/or vendor bundles.
- Support for building libraries with well defined (UMD, AMD, commonjs...) external, dependencies (preconfigured extendable weback configuration)
- Support for building and shimming a whole package managed application structure to build for various target environments like browsers or node (preconfigured extendable weback configuration)
- Generic support for all known favicon types using only one png file as source (watching, compressing and auto-generating integrated)
- Brings offline support though service worker to your application without any needed manual intervention!
- Many development helper:
- Automatic watching and (re-)building on any assets through cross platform file watching
- Preconfigured local webserver with websocket connections to livereload you browser when any asset has changed (webpack-dev-server).
- Preconfigured hot module replacement integration to update parts of your library/application with no siteeffects in a generic way without even the need to refresh your browser
- Automaticaly watch and integrate any css updates trough hot module replacements in app which will be shiped through the development server.
Edit your package.json to add one dependency:
"dependencies": {
"weboptimizer": "latest",
Update your packages via npm and have fun:
npm update
First you should specify some tasks/use-cases you want to use in you project. You can do this in your package.json. All supported scripts and some useful compositions are listed below:
"scripts": {
"build": "weboptimizer build",
"build:stats": "weboptimizer build --profile --json >/tmp/stat.json && echo 'Results successfully written to \"/tmp/stat.json\".'",
"check": "yarn check:types; yarn lint",
"check:types": "weboptimizer check:types",
"clear": "weboptimizer clear",
"document": "weboptimizer document",
"lint": "weboptimizer lint",
"postinstall": "weboptimizer build",
"preinstall": "weboptimizer preinstall",
"serve": "weboptimizer serve",
"start": "npm run serve",
"test": "weboptimizer test",
"test:browser": "weboptimizer test:browser",
"watch": "weboptimizer build --watch",
You can easily run any specified script via npm's command lint interface:
npm run build -debug
npm run lint
npm run watch -debug
npm run serve
If you want to configure your application to change any of the expected default source, target, asset or build paths do it in your package.json:
"webOptimizer": {
"path": {
"apiDocumentation": "apiDocumentation/",
"source": {
"asset": {
"cascadingStyleSheet": "cascadingStyleSheet/",
"data": "data/",
"favicon": "favicon.png",
"font": "font/",
"image": "image/",
"javaScript": "javaScript/",
"publicTarget": "",
"template": "template/"
"ignore": ["node_modules", ".git"],
"manifest": "manifest.appcache",
"target": {
"base": "build/",
"tidyUp": ["crap"],
It's recommended to first specify if you're writing a library (preserve external dependencies not managed within current project) or an application (everything should be bundled including external libraries) since many preconfigurations are targeting on this two different use cases. Anyway you can customize each configuration preset by hand.
"webOptimizer": {
"library": false,
You can even reference any value or evaluate any configuration value dynamically though a complete javaScript compatible evaluation mechanism:
"webOptimizer": {
"path": {
"source": {
"base": "/",
"asset": {
"cascadingStyleSheet": "cascadingStyleSheet/",
"template": {
"__evaluate__": "self.debug ? '' : self.path.source.base"
"offline": {
"externals": [
{"__evaluate__": "self.path.source.asset.cascadingStyleSheet"},
You can even execute scripts to determine a value:
``JSON ... "webOptimizer": { ... "path": { ... "source": { ... "base": "/", "asset": { ... "template": { "execute": "test = self.path.source.base; if (test.endsWith('js')) return 'bar/';return 'foo/'" }, ... }, ... }, ... }, ... }, ...
For all available configuration possibilities please have a look at the
**package.json** file in this project since these values will be extended on
Additionally its even possible to overwrite any value on runtime via a
complete generic command line interface: The last argument should evaluate to
a javaScript object which will be used as source for extending the default
behavior. Any javaScript will be supported:
npm run build '{module:{preprocessor:{javaScript:{loader:"babel"}}}}'
If you're using weboptimizer in a toolchain were none printable or none unicode
compatible symbols should be used (for example content which should replace
placeholder) you can encode your javaScript expression as base64 code:
npm run build '{module:{preprocessor:{ejs:{locals:{name:'häns'}}}}}'
# is the same as:
npm run build 'e21vZHVsZTp7cHJlcHJvY2Vzc29yOntwdWc6e2xvY2Fsczp7bmFtZTonaMOkbnMnfX19fX0='
There is a static tool [clientnode]( and
helper instance provided to each evaluation or execution context within the
package.json (see the API-Documentation, link above, for more details):
"webOptimizer": {
"libraryName": {"__evaluate__": Tools.isPlainObject( ? helper.stripLoader(self.request) : 'random'},