🔭 I’m currently working on Intel Unnathi
🌱 I’m currently learning Python
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Project Experience:
Speech Recognition Project
- Collaborated with the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) on a project centered around speech recognition technology.
- Played an active role in the development and implementation phases of the project, contributing to the research, experimentation, and testing processes.
- Engaged in data collection, preprocessing, and model training, focusing on enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the speech recognition system.
- Worked closely with a multidisciplinary team to address challenges, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance.
- Demonstrated adaptability and problem-solving skills while navigating through complex technical requirements and project objectives.
Professional Development:
Intel Unnati Participant
- Currently participating in the Intel Unnati program, which offers opportunities for skill development, mentorship, and hands-on learning experiences.
- Actively engaged in workshops, seminars, and practical exercises aimed at enhancing technical competencies and fostering innovation.
- Leveraging the resources provided by Intel Unnati to broaden my understanding of emerging technologies and industry trends.
- Collaborating with peers and mentors to explore new concepts, refine existing skills, and expand my professional network.