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Joachim Nsofini Sr edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

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Data file description

The data file used in the projects in the folder are diverse. However, the main files bin files. From those bin files, every other files, cdf, txt, csv, etc are derived. The format of the data in each of these will be described.

Normalization Correction

The data files are restricted only to .txt file (obtained as output of the C++ program PhytoPETtoTxt). Each line in the data file contains 8 values, representing the coincidence of a detector pair represented as \[d_1, x_1, y_1, e_1, d_2, x_2, y_2, e_3\] where \(d, x, y, e\) are the detector ID, x-loaction, y-location and the energy respectively. In this notbook, the following are visualized

  1. Energy spectrum of the data
  2. LORS per detctor pair
  3. Fansum algorithm to generate more statistically significant values of $R_{ij}$
  4. Energy spectrum per LOR, denoted as $E_{ij}$

Scatter Correction

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