This is my data science portfolio.
All these are non-guided projects.
- NLP project (nlp_pedidos.ipynb) creating an AI that is capable of understand restaurant orders. -SPANISH
- Basic Cluster Analysis on Crime in the US (unsupervisedl_crime.ipynb) -SPANISH
- PCA using Numpy (PCA_Numpy.ipynb): Performing PCA on the renowned iris dataset using the Numpy library.
- Titanic Machine Learning project with Python (Titanic_top25.ipynb): this classification machine learning model made it in the top 25% of the Kaggle Titanic competition.
- Credit Approval Machine Learning project with R (credit_approval_R.rmd): visit to see results.
- Twitter Basic Sentiment Analysis (Basict_sentiment_analysis.ipynb): Basic sentiment analysis using plain Python with the help of Pandas and Regex libraries. It uses external data
- Image classification project with TensorFlow 2 and Keras using ANN (image_clsf_neural_network.ipynb): project exploring ways of maximizing accuracy with hyperparameter tuning, regularization and optimization.