Provdes an easy way to add Markdown to your symfony project.
Using the markdown and smartypants libraries from Michel Fortin, and the MarkItUp editor, I have made an easy to use widget and library for using Markdown content in Symfony.
It assumes majaxJqueryPlugin is loaded (or some form of jQuery 1.4.x and jQuery UI 1.8.x)
- PHP Markdown:
- PHP Smartypants:
- MarkItUp:
- majaxJqueryPlugin:
##Basic Setup
Enable the majaxMarkdown module in your application's settings.yml
To use the widget in your Form class:
class ... snip
public function configure()
// ... snip ...
$parameters = array();
$attributes = array('style' => 'height: 100px;');
$this->setWidget('content', new majaxWidgetFormMarkdownEditor($parameters, $attributes));
// ... snip ...
To render the content:
echo majaxMarkdown::transform($markdown_content);
You can control it with options in your app.yml:
style: markdown_extra # choose markdown or markdown_extra
smartypants_enabled: true # true / false
smartypants_style: smartypants_typographer # choose smartypants or smartypants_typographer
smartypants_options: 1 # You'll want to check the smartypants docs for more info on this...
post_render: false
post_preview: false
##Adding Post Renderers
You can post-process both the generated text, and also only the preview text, by supplying what function to run to app_majaxMedia_post_render or app_majaxMedia_post_preview like so:
sfConfig::set('app_majaxMedia_post_render', array('className', 'static_function'));
sfConfig::set('app_majaxMedia_post_preview', 'some_function_name');