Jonathan Alexander (alexajon), Julian Fortune (fortunej), Faaiq Waqar (waqarf)
Welcome to Barely Functional-C, an imperitive language. The goals of this language were to be easy to use in unique ways, including a reduction in side effects via functions, and function level scope. On top of the core features outlined in the project spec, we implemented Lists, Strings, and a Static Type Checker.
Open via GHCI 'Examples.hs'
$ ghci Examples.hs
*Examples> compile quickSort
*Examples> compile goodProg
*Examples> compile factorial
*Examples> compile badProg
*Examples> compile badCastValue
*Examples> compile badFuncNoExist
*Examples> compile badOperTypes
*Examples> compile badCastType
*Examples> compile badVarRef
*Examples> compile badElement
*Examples> compile badFuncRef
*Examples> compile badFuncRedeclare
*Examples> compile badFuncArgs
*Examples> compile badIfCondition
*Examples> compile badWhileCondition
*Examples> compile badForEachIterator
*Examples> compile badInsertIndex
*Examples> compile badDeleteIndex
*Examples> compile badVarRedeclaration
*Examples> compile badFuncArgTypes
*Examples> compile badFuncReturnType