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Repository of all CLI Binaries (all compiled CLI projects)

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Getting Help and Examples for each command:

Consult the wiki page here for examples and help on specific commands:

Improvement / Feature Requests:

Feel free to open "issues" (even if they arent issues) on this page to request improvements & features:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

What parameter shows me the Connection Options i have?

the '-help' option will display the Connection parameters to specify Login, Pwd, Dept, Client etc.:

java -jar XXXX_XXXX.jar -help

Can I use this on an active-active Automation Engine?

Yes. The -X and -N options can be used to handle this natively. You can copy your existing uc4config.xml file where the CLI binaries are and use the option -N to specify which Connection Name to use (from the xml file). You can specify an alternate xml file using -X option.

java -jar XXXX_XXXX.jar -help

What parameter shows me the options i have for a particular utility?

the '-h' option will display all parameters specific to the binary you are using:

java -jar XXXX_XXXX.jar -h

What are the '-f*' parameters for?

All the parameters that start with '-f*' are used to filter out objects for processing with other parameters. '-f*' parameters tend to accept full Regular Expressions.

What is the difference between the parameter -name and the parameter -f_name?

The parameter -name only accept 'UC4 RegEx', meaning either full names or expressions with '*' and '?' but NOT full Regular Expressions.

The parameter -f_name always accepts full Regular Expressions.

Why is there 2 different parameters to filter on Object Names (-name and -f_name)?

For Performance. -name searches are done first on the backend, and they are much faster than any other search mechanism (but can only search on limited patterns). -name is used to make a fast preselection of Objects which are then looked at for further filtering by the -f_name option (or any combination of -f option).

In small environments, you can use the -f_name option, but in larger environments the performance will be significantly better if using a combination of both.

What is the commit parameter for?

For Safety. Without it, update commands will only run a simulation of updates. Only of the commit parameter is specified will the update actually occur. This allows to test 'en-masse' updates before actually modifying anything.

I dont want to pass the Password in the command in clear text. What can i do?

You have several options. You can encrypt the password with the Automic utility (UCYBCRYPT.exe) and pass the encrypted password with option -W (just like you would do with a clear text password.)

You can also pass the password in memory using an environment variable (AE_PWD)

You can also specify the password in an encrypted form in the connection.config file

Does this CLI support Single SignOn?

Yes. SSO needs to be configured on your system obviously. The corresponding option to use is '--sso', in which case you dont need to specify Dept, Login or Password anywhere.

The command I'm using keep telling me the format of my parameter is wrong.. what do I do?

Take a close look at the help of the binary you are using ('-h' option). Each option should explicitly require a specific format.

some require "['Some RegEx','a string']" while some others are simpler and require only "[some value,some other value]"

if you are using the strict format but are still getting an error, contact me please!


provide a repository of Command Line Interface Binaries in order to extend the capabilities that the UI currently offers.


Each binary takes at least 2 possible flags/options:

  • -help: displays the list of AE Connection Parameters that can be specified (if overriding the parameters contained in connection.config file)
  • -h: displays the list of parameters (Mandatory, Optional etc.) required specifically for each binary

Connection Parameters:

Each binary needs to establish a connection to the Automation Engine. The connection parameters can be set either:

  • directly in the connection.config file
  • in any other config file of your choice
  • via CLI parameters (see -help option for list of available parameters: **-L login -W password -C client -D department -H hostname -P port -F filename ** etc.)
  • Note: IF a parameter is specified both in connection.config and via a CLI parameter, the CLI parameter takes precedence.
  • Note: the Password can be passed in encrypted form both in the config file and thru the command line (see usage of ucybcryp.exe to encrypt your password)


  • connection.config: contains connection parameters. This file is used by all binaries. All the parameters specified in it can be overriden when using any of the binaries. use -help flag to review override parameters. Alternatively, you can create several config files and use the -F flag to use a specific one.


Each binary is designed to be SAFE and comes with a mandatory COMMIT mechanism: it will NOT modify / update / delete / create / execute anything UNLESS the -commit flag is added as a parameter.


  • OBJECTS_Delete.jar -name "*" => will NOT delete any objects, but instead will run a simulation of Objects to be deleted
  • OBJECTS_Delete.jar -name "*" -commit => will delete ALL objects or ALL types (you should probably never use this command as-is ;)).
  • TASKS_Operations.jar -f_name "." -f_status ".aborted." -u_restart "" => will NOT restart anything, but instead will run a simulation of Tasks to be restarted
  • TASKS_Operations.jar -f_name "." -f_status ".aborted." -u_restart "" -commit => will restart ALL Tasks marked Aborted in the Activities Window

Common Active Parameters:

Most binaries have at least 2 sets of parameters available:

  • -f_: Filter Parameters, parameters used to filter only specific objects (ex: -f_type "JOBS" or -f_title ".[Mm]y [Tt]itle.") => MOST f_* parameters support Regular Expressions
  • -u_: Update Parameters, parapeters used to update various things (ex: -u_process ["",""], or -u_title [".+","My New Title"], or -u_priority 100) => most parameters requiring ["A","B"] as a format will accept Regular Expressions for "A". "B" is the substitute String.

Other information:


* Requires Java v1.7 minimum.
* All Binaries compiled with most current version (v12.1) uc4.jar files (meaning it handles new objects like STORAGE, PERIOD, XML VARIABLE, AI EVENT, etc.)
* All Binaries (unless indicated) are compatible with AE v9 and up, a version check is automatically performed before each command for safety.
* It is strongly advised to test thoroughly in NON-PROD environments.

List of Binaries (non exhaustive):

**## OBJECT Specific CLI Binaries:**

	* CALE_Update.jar: Update / import CALE Objects from JSON files. 
	* AGENTS_Management.jar: Manage Agents from Client 0 (assign to other clients, delete, etc.) (ex: allow all clients to use Agent WIN01 for Execution)
	* HOSTGROUPS_Management.jar: Manage Hostgroups (add agents, run simulations, remove agents, etc.)
	* CHANGES_Show.jar: 	Display content of Audit Trail with filters (needs to be activated in Client 0 first)	
	* CONN_Update.jar:	Update CONN Objects (including RA CONN such as SOAP or REST CONNs)
	* JOBS_RA_Update.jar:	Update RA Jobs (SOAP, REST, FTP, etc.)
	* JSCH_Update.jar:	Update SCHED Objects
	* LOGIN_Update.jar:	Update LOGIN Objects
	* STORAGE_Update.jar:	Update STORAGE Objects (only v11.2 and up)
	* TASKS_Operations.jar: Handle Operations on Activities Window (Deactivate all "Completed" tasks, restart aborted JOBS tasks with title matching ".*DEV.*")
	* USER_Update.jar:	Update USER Objects
	* VARA_SQL_Update.jar:	Update SQL VARA Objects
	* VARA_SQLI_Update.jar:	Update SQLI VARA Objects
	* VARA_STATIC_Update.jar: Update STATIC & XML VARA Objects (XML VARA is a subtype of STATIC)
	* VARA_Update.jar:	Update General Properties of VARA Objects
	* JOBF_Update.jar:      Update JOBF Objects. (ex: change the pattern for Destination File in all JOBF objects at once)
	* JOBP_Update.jar:      Update JOBP Objects. (ex: update all task names for all Workflows at once)
	* JOBS_SQL_Update.jar:  Update JOBS_SQL Objects (ex: modify the Database Connection name in all JOBS_SQL containing "*SQL1*" in their name)
	* JOBS_Update.jar:      Update JOBS Objects (ex: modify the name of a variable in all JOBS containing "*ABC*" in their title)

**## GENERAL CLI Binaries:**

	* OBJECTS_Delete.jar: Delete Objects of any type. (with regular expressions...)
	* OBJECTS_Create.jar: Create Objects of any type. (ex: create 200 JOBS Objects)
	* OBJECTS_Duplicate.jar: Duplicate Objects of any type. (ex: duplicate all objects matching name "*AB*PROD*" to "*AB*DEV*" at once)
	* OBJECTS_Export_Import.jar: Import & Export Objects and dependencies (v11.2 and up)
	* OBJECTS_Execute.jar: Execute now or schedule later (executable) Objects. (ex: run now all JOBP matching name "*DEV*JOBP*")
	* OBJECTS_Move.jar: Move Objects of any type anywhere (within the same client) (ex: move all objects matching "*PROD*ABC*" to Folder "SANDBOX")
	* OBJECTS_Rename.jar: Rename Objects of any type (ex: rename objects with title matching ".*Legacy.*" from "*ALPHA*" to "*BETA*")
	* UTIL_ClientAudit.jar: Extract an Audit Report on Specific Client Usage (ex: number of active objects defined, etc.) 
	* UTIL_EnvironmentAudit.jar: Extract Environment Wide Usage Report (ex: number of clients defined, etc.)
	* UTIL_SystemOverview_Show.jar: Extract Content of the System Overview into a parsable format (JSON)


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