2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 < 2017
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Shokri et al. | Alternate Preference Optimization for Unlearning Factual Knowledge in Large Language Models | COLING |
Choi et al. | Unlearning-based Neural Interpretations | ICLR |
Di et al. | Adversarial Machine Unlearning | ICLR |
Li et al. | When is Task Vector Provably Effective for Model Editing? A Generalization Analysis of Nonlinear Transformers | ICLR |
Scholten et al. | A Probabilistic Perspective on Unlearning and Alignment for Large Language Models | ICLR |
Kim et al. | Are We Truly Forgetting? A Critical Re-examination of Machine Unlearning Evaluation Protocols | arxiv |
Kwak et al. | NegMerge: Consensual Weight Negation for Strong Machine Unlearning | arxiv |
Wang et al. | GRU: Mitigating the Trade-off between Unlearning and Retention for Large Language Models | arxiv |
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Tople te al. | Analyzing Information Leakage of Updates to Natural Language Models | CCS |
Golatkar et al. | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Net: Selective Forgetting in Deep Networks | CVPR |
Golatkar et al. | Forgetting Outside the Box: Scrubbing Deep Networks of Information Accessible from Input-Output Observations | ECCV |
Garg et al. | Formalizing Data Deletion in the Context of the Right to be Forgotten | EUROCRYPT |
Guo et al. | Certified Data Removal from Machine Learning Models | ICML |
Wu et al. | DeltaGrad: Rapid Retraining of Machine Learning Models | ICML |
Nguyen et al. | Variational Bayesian Unlearning | NeurIPS |
Liu et al. | Learn to Forget: User-Level Memorization Elimination in Federated Learning | researchgate |
Felps et al. | Class Clown: Data Redaction in Machine Unlearning at Enterprise Scale | arXiv |
Sommer et al. | Towards Probabilistic Verification of Machine Unlearning | arXiv |
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Shintre et al. | Making Machine Learning Forget | APF |
Du et al. | Lifelong Anomaly Detection Through Unlearning | CCS |
Kim et al. | Learning Not to Learn: Training Deep Neural Networks With Biased Data | CVPR |
Ginart et al. | Making AI Forget You: Data Deletion in Machine Learning | NeurIPS |
Wang et al. | Neural Cleanse: Identifying and Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Neural Networks | S&P |
Chen et al. | A Novel Online Incremental and Decremental Learning Algorithm Based on Variable Support Vector Machine | Cluster Computing |
Schelter | “Amnesia” – Towards Machine Learning Models That Can Forget User Data Very Fast | AIDB Workshop |
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Cao et al. | Efficient Repair of Polluted Machine Learning Systems via Causal Unlearning | ASIACCS |
Villaronga et al. | Humans Forget, Machines Remember: Artificial Intelligence and the Right to Be Forgotten | Computer Law & Security Review |
Veale et al. | Algorithms that remember: model inversion attacks and data protection law | The Royal Society |
European Union | GDPR | |
State of California | California Consumer Privacy Act |
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Shokri et al. | Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models | S&P |
Kwak et al. | Let Machines Unlearn--Machine Unlearning and the Right to be Forgotten | SIGSEC |
Author(s) | Title | Venue |
Ganin et al. | Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks | JMLR 2016 |
Cao and Yang | Towards Making Systems Forget with Machine Unlearning | S&P 2015 |
Tsai et al. | Incremental and decremental training for linear classification | KDD 2014 |
Karasuyama and Takeuchi | Multiple Incremental Decremental Learning of Support Vector Machines | NeurIPS 2009 |
Duan et al. | Decremental Learning Algorithms for Nonlinear Langrangian and Least Squares Support Vector Machines | OSB 2007 |
Romero et al. | Incremental and Decremental Learning for Linear Support Vector Machines | ICANN 2007 |
Tveit et al. | Incremental and Decremental Proximal Support Vector Classification using Decay Coefficients | DaWaK 2003 |
Tveit and Hetland | Multicategory Incremental Proximal Support Vector Classifiers | KES 2003 |
Cauwenberghs and Poggio | Incremental and Decremental Support Vector Machine Learning | NeurIPS 2001 |
Canada | PIPEDA | 2000 |