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Curriculum Astro-UC

Demo · Code

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributions
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Contact

About The Project


This is an app that has an interactive university curriculum for the degree in astronomy and physics at UC (Pontificic Catholic University of Chile). The original repository for this porject is located here. Then it was modified by me (jj-sm) adding new functionalities and adapting it to the Physics and Astronomy Curriculums


Updated, modified and formatted by:

Juan José Sánchez - @juanjo.jpg | email - 🔭:

About me

Astronomy Student at PUC. If you need to contact me, mail me or dm me on ig!

Originally Forked from the work of:

Loreto Ñancucheo - @loretonancucheo - [email protected]

Built With

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repo
  1. Install packages
  1. Run
yarn dev
  1. Build for production
yarn build
  1. Deploy After setting up the deploy proccess.
yarn deploy


  • Select/Unselect a course
  • Select/Unselect by semestrer
  • Select/Unselect by year
  • Unlock courses as prerequisites are met
  • Display the percentage of approved courses/credits
  • Switch between different curriculums
  • Store selections in localStorage
  • See whether the semester is odd or even (It is taught at the first or second half of the year)
  • Check whether the course has a Lab.
  • Reorder Colors
  • Allow Import of Custom Curriculums


If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the following tags:

  • bug (for reporting errors or bugs in the code)
  • enhancement (for suggesting new features or improvements to existing functionality)
  • documentation (for issues related to the project's documentation)
  • question (for asking questions)

Follow thw steps bellow to contribute:

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/FeaturesName)
  3. Commit the Changes (git commit -m "Add some FeatureName)
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/FeaturesName)


Made with ❤️


Malla de cursos interactiva para estudiantes de Astronomía y Física




